Saturday, February 16, 2013

Time for another chapter...

of "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns."

Today we're looking at a typical weekend day at the lovely facility.  All week long the construction crews have been blocking the main entrance, taking up most of the parking spaces, making a lot of noise and otherwise being a general nuisance.  But today they are not here.  Their work is clearly visible all over.  The lobby floor is torn up and there are poles and yellow tape blocking that off, so no one runs over it in their power-chair and falls into the hole. 

The hallway baseboards on the first floor are all torn up, probably in preparation for the installation of new wallpaper next week.  When they were doing the upstairs hallways, the upstairs residents were forced to remain downstairs.  That may happen next week.  Whether or not they will work on the Monday holiday remains to be seen.  There were two days this week where they left big fans up in the main doorway after they were done, probably to hasten the drying of something.

Because one of the long-time residents hasn't been at either breakfast seating for a few days, another resident and I were concerned about her.  If she isn't there at tomorrow's breakfast, I will ask the staff about her and find out what's going on.  We did have an ambulance here one day this past week, but I was told that person was brought back later that day.  I don't know if that's true, rumors abound here.  Fortunately, the rumors about the President allegedly snorting cocaine in his room are long dead.

There is one resident who is very upset about the roommate situation.  This person has been through four roommates in the last year (same one tried twice, so it's really only three) and they are unhappy with this one.  What the resident wants is a private room but since they get SSI and are paying a limited rent, they won't be getting a private room any time soon.  There are already two residents on SSI who effectively have private rooms.  One who has driven out anyone they've tried putting into that room and another who has a service dog and keeps the room so messy that no one else has yet been willing to live in that room.  I suspect both of them are in for a rude awakening when there are fewer rooms open as the owners and management try to fill the place.  Which is not easy.

Today we will close with a description of one particular character, a new resident who will be known as "A".  That is because this resident has a lot to do with automobiles or so they claim.  They claim to be able to get discounted vehicle repairs for anyone who needs them.  This resident is heavily into commerce, having twisted the arm of the Activities Director to make them some fliers for their various ventures.  They were most recently trying to sell another power-chair other than the one they normally ride around on.  This resident is always wearing gloves.  Big heavy black leather gloves.  No one knows why.

See you next time.