Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Going to run out and buy a lottery ticket

After the events of today, I feel the need to go buy a lottery ticket.  I woke up very early this morning (4 a.m.) and when I couldn't fall back to sleep, I was sure that it would be a bad day.  Hey, I know, every day is a good day to be alive, but some are better than others.

First came the ham at breakfast. Always a plus.  Then the bananas weren't green for once.  Another plus.  Then I managed to fall asleep and take a nap after breakfast and felt much better after more rest.

However, the astonishing stuff happened when I went to the VA to see the cardiologist.  I found a great parking place right when I pulled into the lot.  That never happens.  Then the doctor took me into his office only fifteen minutes after I had checked in and had my vital signs taken.  That's nothing short of miraculous.

Even more amazing was the fact that earlier in the day I got a phone call to re-schedule me for that angiogram and right-side ejection fracture test.  The news got better when they told me they could get me in for the required lab work on the 27th and they would do the test on the 7th of March.  I was certain I'd be waiting until April.

I'm going to buy a ticket for tonight's lottery on my way to trivia tonight.