Saturday, February 16, 2013

Will You Help Him Change the World? Can You Dig It?

Since it's Saturday, the song lyric from a song with Saturday in the title is easy.  Saturdays should be easy days.  Lazy days.  Days of rest.  Mine won't be, but yours should.  I hope it is.

The family of the man known as the "Blade Runner" is denying that he mudered his girlfriend.  Now there's a newsflash.  Like they'd say "oh yes, we know he killed her but we're praying the court will show mercy because he's so famous and has overcome so many challenges."

Speaking of newsflashes, a study of the population in the U.S. trying to determine in which locales the highest percentage of LGBT people live has found that those concentrations are in the states with the highest levels of acceptance and supportive LGBT climates.  Really?  What a shocker.   How about a useful study, like why people are so opposed to same-sex marriage when it has no impact on their own lives?

You've just been on the cruise from hell.  An engine fire, raw sewage in your cabin and the smell pervading the entire ship, no hot food and this went on for days.  The cruise line is giving you a refund of your fare, $500 for pain and suffering and a voucher to take a free cruise in the future.  So do you give cruising another try or do you just trash the non-transferrable voucher?

The Sheriff over in San Burnadino (misspelling intentional) continues to maintain that they did not intend to start a fire or burn down the cabin where Dorner shot himself.  Would someone please email him the definition of the word incendiary?  I was really amused when a so-called expert tried to justify using the burner canister by saying that the regular tear gas wouldn't flush Dorner out if he had a gas mask, but the incendiary canister's gas would.  That's a crock.  Gas is gas.  You have a mask, it will protect you from breathing in the gas.  They used it to start a fire to force him out before it got dark.  End of story.

Steve Martin has fathered a child at age 67 and managed to keep it secret for weeks.  Good for him.

A man slaps a baby on a plane and gets arrested.  He said, prior to the slap, "shut that (n-word) baby up".  There were plenty of witnesses.  So his lawyer is now urging folks not to rush to judgment saying "we think it is important to let the case develop, and we'll see how it all comes out" said Marcia Shein.  That's lawyer-speak for "my client is a moron who doesn't have a leg to stand on".

What the hell does NFL commissioner Roger Goodell do that is worth over $29 million a year in compensation? 

I'm beginning to wonder, with so many stories in the news about people who return large sums of money they find, just how much money is being misplaced by people that doesn't get returned?

I always find it amusing when I hear a talk radio host ranting about something and getting the basic facts wrong.  Jesse Jackson Jr., the former Illinois member of Congress is facing huge fines and prison time for misappropriation of campaign funds.  Among the things he did with the money is buy himself a $43,000 Rolex watch and pay for the travel expenses of a woman he described as a social acquaintance.  Well, this talk show host started a rant about how buying a woman described as a social acquaintance a $43,000 Rolex wouldn't go over well with the wife.  Huh?  Oh, you didn't read carefully.  Time to change the channel.

This Date in History and Famous Folk Born on this Day will appear in an afternoon blog time permitting.

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