Sunday, January 20, 2013

Today's installment of...

As the Assisted Living Facility turns opens with a mystery.  The mystery of the missing Danish.

Breakfast here is the most regular and consistent meal of the day.  Every morning there are eggs.  You can get scrambled, hard-boiled, over-easy, over-hard or however else you desire.  There's some kind of bread product, and the same ones are usu ally present on the same days.  Sundays are sausage day.  Wednesdays are ham days.  Fridays are bacon days.  And Sundays have been Danish day except that the second seating isn't getting them of late.

Some of the residents brought their complaint to the President of the Resident's Council and he did some investigating on this particular Sunday morning.  First he made sure to witness that this was a real problem.  It was. 

Then he started asking questions.  In the end it turns out that the kitchen has been receiving only one box of Danish on Sundays.  With only 60 in a box, the problem is there just aren't enough being ordered.  The first seating is theoretically limited to just one per person but we all know that the servers will give out a second item when asked.  There are 100 or so residents.  60 Danishes are nowhere near enough.  So the President is going to talk to the Chef when he returns to work on Tuesday to see what can be done to either order two boxes or stop serving Danishes altogether. 

Meanwhile, one of the residents hasn't been seen in a few days and is not on the list of people in hospitals or rehab facilities that's kept in the office.  As a result several of the residents are wondering where this resident might be.  Since the med tech doesn't have any information, the level of curiousity only rises with each passing day.

And there was sad news being passed around today.  One of the long-time residents has passed away.  We had not seen her in months because this person had been in a rehab facility.  While they were here, they weren't happy.  They got into disputes with other residents frequently.  When another resident had passed away that this resident shared a table with in the dining room, they refused to allow anyone else to be seated at the dead person's place for a very long time.  Some might think that at least this person has been freed from their clearly unhappy existence.

But life is better than the alternative.  Even an unhappy life is better than no life.  So that this person has passed is sad.