Thursday, January 31, 2013

I saw a deuce last night...

as I was driving home.  No, not the two of clubs.  "Deuce" is cop argot for a drunk driver.  Back in the day when I wore the blue wool beret of an Air Force "cop", we saw a lot of deuces.  I was assigned to a training base and the young men and women fresh out of basic training would often drink to excess the first time they were allowed access to alcohol.  We also had a fair share of what were called "permanent party personnel" who would tie one on and then try to drive home.

It brought back memories fond and not so fond.  Nowadays I just made sure there was no way that this deuce would get into an accident with me by giving him a very wide berth.  If I had one of those bluetooth devices, I'd have called the highway patrol and reported him.  But I wasn't going to make a non-hands free call to report him.  With my luck some highway patrol officer would miss him, see me and I'd end up with a ticket for trying to do the right thing.

Other ponderings on this Thursday morning include:

So a N.J. senator is denying that he was involved with prostitutes.  Like he'd admit it right away if he had been?  Who is surprised that he is issuing denials?  My question is, when the incontrovertible evidence surfaces, will he fess up then?  If so, will he try to excuse his denials?  Now I don't know there is any such evidence out there, but when it comes to politicians and prostitutes, the rule of thumb seems to be that these reports are almost always true.  Maybe they should change that old adage from "politics makes strange bedfellows" to "politics makes strange bedfellows where they's a wad of cash on the nightstand".

The Fontana Unified School District spent $14,000 to buy semi-automatic rifles to prepare for a situation where they have to respond to "an active shooter" and people are upset that the money wasn't spent for a much-needed counselor.  Just how much counseling do they think a one time amount of $14,000 will buy?

Aspen is considering a speed limit of 14 MPH in residential areas to try to get people to slow down.  That's not going to happen.

Dennis Rodman wants to be a role model for children.  That pretty much speaks for itself.

The New York Yankees have $114 million reasons for wanting to void the remainder of A-Rod's contract.  But the odds are they won't get anywhere in trying, even if it does turn out he took banned performance enhancing substances. 

President Obama's half-brother was supposed to be deported in 1992.  In 2011 he was busted for DUI and got  a "pass" from a lenient judge.  Now he's been granted a "hearing" but it won't happen until December.  If this is typical treatment for someone who was supposed to be deported and wasn't, is anyone surprised that the problem of illegals who should have been deported and weren't is as bad as it is?

Squeaky-clean Dan Marino fathered a child out of wedlock and has been paying "hush money" for years to the mother.  Why is it celebrities revel in the fame and fortune that accompanies their celebrity but the minute something embarassing is revealed, that is suddenly "personal and private"?

Richard Nixon tried to help the Miami Dolphins win Superbowl XI by calling coach Don Shula with a play suggestion.  So being president gives you special powers to call pro sport coaches with your playcalls? 

Barry Manilow will be in concert at the Greek Theater soon.  Will his dressing room get extra security to make sure no one raids his wardrobe?

Oh, we can sleep better tonight.  WalMart is limiting purchases of ammunition to three boxes per customer.  Apparently demand is so high this is the only way they can keep bullets on the shelves.

This Date In History:

On this date in 1606, Guy Fawkes was executed for plotting against Parliament and King James.
On this date in 1747, the first venereal disease clinic opens at London Lock Hospital.
On this date in 1801, John Marshall is appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
On this date in 1848, John C. Fremont is court-martialed for mutiny and disobeying orders.
On this date in 1865, Congress passes the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery and sends it to the states for ratification.
On this date in 1915, Germany becomes the first nation to use poison gas on a large scale in war.
On this date in 1929, The Soviet Union exiles Leon Trotsky.
On this date in 1930, 3M starts making Scotch tape.
On this date in 1949, "These Are My Children" the first daytime soap opera is broadcast.  Scientists estimate that housewife productivity declined 18% within the first week of broadcast. (j/k)
On this date in 1950, President Truman announced there would be a program to develop a hydrogen bomb.
On this date in 1958, James Van Allen discovered the Van Allen Belt.
On this date in 1968, Viet Cong attacks the U.S. embassy in Saigon as part of the Tet Offensive.
On this date in 1990, the first McDonald's in the Soviet Union opens.
On this date in 2000, Alaska Airlines Flight 261 crashes due to horizontal stabilizer problems, killing all 88 people aboard.  This crash is the real-life event that was dramatized in the movie "Flight".

And on this date in various years, the following were born:

Zane Gray
Jackie Robinson
Benjamin Hooks
Minnie Driver
Portia de Rossi
Harry Wayne Casey who will probably "Get Down Tonight" to celebrate.