Thursday, January 31, 2013

A few odds and ends before bed...

as I wind down from a very long and exhausting day.  First, some movie mash-ups that come to mind:

"The Godfather Mystic Pizza"

"St. Elmo's Fire Down Below"

"Gone With the Windtalkers"

"Miami Blues Brothers"

"Mean Streets of Fire"

"12 Angry Men in Black"

"Taxi Driver Driving Miss Daisy"

"The Green Eight Mile"

"The Third Man of La Mancha"

"Some Like it Hot Shots"

"Dude, Where's My Car 54?"

"Raging Bull Durham"

"Die Hard Target"

Okay, enough of that.  How about songs that were used in movies that when you hear them you think of that specific film?  Not like the love theme from "Armageddon" which was written specifically for it.  More like:

"Stuck In the Middle With You" which played during the scene in "Reservoir Dogs" where he cut off the cop's ear.

"We Are Family" which played during the last scene in "The Birdcage" when Gene Hackman, in full drag is trying to escape the paparazzi.

"Treat Me Right" which played during the scene in "An Officer and a Gentleman" where Debra Winger and her friend were changing clothes while driving in her friend's car to a dance.

There are more of course and I'd love to hear yours.