Thursday, January 24, 2013

Once again, time for another installment of...

"As The Assisted Living Facility Turns".

Our episode opens with the President, tired but happy, is walking from his room down to the dining room to enjoy some breakfast.  While it is cloudy and rainy outside, the President is feeling good.  He knows that today is a day for him, free of any complications or obligations until a screening in the evening.

But before the President could even get to the lobby, he was stopped in the hall by two residents.  One the former President and the other a resident who was clearly upset by something.  The former President told the story about how the other resident had been moved recently and that their new roommate was causing problems.  According to this resident, their new roommate was going through their drawers, asking all kinds of questions that they should know the answer to already and generally being a nuisance.  The resident was so upset by the actions of the new roommate that they had been on their way out the front door to go stay with relatives indefinitely.

The President promised to talk to the Facility Director about arranging a move for one of the two roommates, to bring the matter to a close and hopefully in the very near future.  The Facility Director told the President more about the situation that wasn't included in the story he'd been told and this made things much clearer.  Unfortunately, that information is privileged and can't be shared here.  Suffice it to say that the Facility Director will be dealing with the problem and the President will be doing his best to provide support to both of the roommates as the problem is being resolved.

Meanwhile, it looks like the renovations to the Activities Room are nearly finished.  That may lower the level of tensions around the place as people can get back to a more normal schedule.