Sunday, November 18, 2012

So I saw the final (hopefully) film in the...

Twilight Saga on Saturday.  My review will be posted in a day or so at and I am not a major fan of this particular film.  It's good, but not great.  And it could have been great.  It could have been a great conclusion to the saga.  But that's not going to matter to the so-called "Twi-Hards".

As a result of going to the movies and then out to lunch with a friend, I was gone most of the morning and afternoon.  I haven't seen or talked to almost anyone from the facility, although everyone I do encounter continues to congratulate me on my winning the Presidency of the Resident's Council.  I did get congratulated by the outgoing President, but as I went past my sharp hearing (when the eyes get weak, the hearing may improve) caught her bad-mouthing me and my future as president to someone who was trying to comfort her over her loss.  Oh the politics of politics.

Can you believe the Carmel School District?  Oh you didn't know what they did?  They told a female teacher to "train her body so she wouldn't lactate during school hours, so that she wouldn't have to pump her breast milk.  The school district is naturally denying the charges.  I hope she wins a bundle.

A group called "Rebooting America", small but very loud, has come out in support of the position of Papa John's Pizza in saying they will cut back employee hours to ensure that will be able to deal with the implications of Obamacare taking effect.  They are calling for a Papa John's Appreciation Day.  I won't be having pizza on that day.

How do you feel about the stores that will be moving their "Black Friday" sales hours into the Thanksgiving holiday?  I think it sucks.  There's no need to be open on Thanksgiving day for holiday sales.  Friday morning is soon enough.  There are basically three days each year where most things are and should be closed.  New Year's Day, Christmas Day and Thanksgiving.  There's no need to shop at WalMart or Target or any other such store on those days.  Get the essentials you need before those days, and there are some supermarkets open limited hours on the first and last.  There's always 7-11s and 24/7 restaurants to hit on those days. 

I'm debating if I'm going to see a movie in the theater today or not.  I'm considering it, but I have two DVDs to watch and there's a movie that probably is available on VOD that I'd like to watch and review.  I read about it today and it sounds like a movie worthy of viewing.  Will let you know what happens.

Fun With Personal Ads:


"Friendly Cashier Wanted!!!!!"  So an unfriendly receptionist would have no chance?  Did the friendly part really require five exclamation points?

Romano's Macaroni Grill in El Segundo is hiring "opera singers" who can also wait tables, host, bus tables and wash dishes.  Oh solo mio take your order please??

"Motivated front office wanted"  Unmotivated people need not apply apparently.  If they weren't motivated, why would they be looking for work?

"Experienced Top Hairstylist Only!!"  So they only style the hair on the top of someone's head?  What about the hair on the sides?

"Our salon is american eyed and we are only looking for people that are highly professional, well skilled, positive, with human relations that would present us as an high end salon if you can't keep up to those standards please don't waste our time."  What the heck does "american eyed" mean on my planet?

This Date in History:

On this date in history in 1307, William Tell shot an arrow off of the head of his son.
On this date in history in 1492, Christopher Columbus first sighted the land now known as Puerto Rico.
On this date in history in 1865, Mark Twain's short story, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" was published in the New York Saturday Press.
On this date in history in 1928, the animated short "Steamboat Willie" was released.  Today is considered to be the birthday of Mickey Mouse by the Disney corporation.
On this date in history in 1961, JFK sends 18,000 military advisors to Vietnam.
On this date in history in 1987, the final report on the Iran/Contra affair was issued by Congress.
On this date in history in 1993, the House of Representatives ratified the NAFTA agreement.
And on this date in history in 1999, at College Station, TX, 12 were killed and 27 injured at Texas A&M University when the Aggie bonfire collapsed.