Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The hypocrisy of Angus T. Jones...

is remarkable.  It's one thing to claim that the television program you star on is "filth" and that audiences should not watch it.  It's quite another to do that while you continue to earn $300,000 per episode for making the show.  If it was truly "filth" in his mind, he'd just quit.  True, that big paycheck would stop coming in and the producers could prevent him from doing any other work while he is still under contract.  But his rationalization that God must have a reason for him being there for another year is just ridiculous. 

If you don't agree with what your employer is doing strongly enough to make public statements about it, you walk away.  If you don't, not only are you a hypocrite for participating in what you disagree with, your claims regarding what's wrong with it lose almost all credibility.

To prove the validity of Godwin's law, what Jones is doing would be akin to Heinrich Himmler saying that Hitler's "Final Solution" was the wrong thing to do and constituted mass murder, just before throwing the switch to turn on the gas on the next batch of victims inside the showers.  Yes, that's a hyperbolic, egregious example, but it kind of rams home the point.  If something is that wrong, it's wrong to continue to take part in it after you denounce it.

I've never watched a single episode of "Two and a Half Men" and have no intention of doiong so.  Because, sometimes it just takes one episode of a television program to become hooked.  As an example, I saw an episode or two of "Grey's Anatomy" last season and while it seemed to be okay, I wasn't immediately hooked on it.  But when I finished watching all 15 seasons of "ER" from start to finish, I decided to go back to the beginning of "Grey's" to see what all the fuss was about.  Today I watched season 1, episode 1 and I was hooked.  Now I plan to watch all of the episodes all the way through to the present.

I may have mentioned before that I was one of those who thought reality TV wasn't a good thing for the future of scripted programming but I have to admit that several reality type shows are very entertaining.  However let me make it clear that I live in a Honey Boo Boo free zone.  The reality shows I enjoy watching are "Storage Wars", "Parking Wars" and "Pawn Stars".  There are also some game shows I like, and there's a new or at least new to me dating show called "Baggage" that's hosted by Jerry Springer of all people.  It is hysterical.

I mention television because today was one of those days where I was in my room between noon and 1 p.m. without going down to the dining room for lunch, and watched the entire episode of "Maury".  I have several questions.  First off, where do they get all of these dumb men?  Almost without exception, every one of the guys on today's show was found to have been cheating on their woman and caught by the lie detector test they took.  Do they not check out an episode or two of a television show their wife or girlfriend wants them to appear on?  Are they unaware that they were lying while taking a lie detector test?  What about the idiots who go after the "test girl" in the "green room"?  Do they not bother to think that this girl might be a plant and they shouldn't even talk to her?  Maybe there's something they spray into the air in the men's dressing room that lowers their IQs 25 or 35 points before they come out onto the stage.

Fun With Classified Ads:

A chain of movie theaters is hiring for one of its locations.  Here are the appearance requirements from the ad:  "No visible tattoos below the elbow, on the face or neck, no facial piercings, oral piercings or multiple piercings and must maintain a conservative hairstyle in one natural color."  I guess people with two-tone mohawks need not apply.

"(name deleted gymnasium) is looking for a cleaning person (or crew) for about 10-15 hours per week in exchange for a free membership to the gym.  15 hours times 4.333 weeks in a month is roughly 65 hours a month.  Minimum wage is $8.00, so that's over $500 a month worth of labor in return for a free gym membership?  Only an idiot would do this.  http://instantrimshot.com/index.php?sound=priceiswrong

"Assistant dog walker wanted.  Must have car large enough to fit 8-12 medium size dogs.  Must love dogs."  A dog walker needs an assistant?  To do what?  Hold the leash while he or she texts a client??  And like a dog hater would apply? 

This Date in History:

On this date in 176, Emperor Marcus Aurelius made his son Commodus Supreme Commander of the Roman Legions. 
On this date in 1095, Pope Urban II declares the First Crusade.
On this date in 1807, the Portugese Royal family flees to escape Napoleon's troops.
On this date in 1839, the American Statistical Association was founded.  Also on this date, the American Society of Procrastinators postponed their founding (just kidding).
On this date in 1895, Alfred Nobel signs the will that will lead to his estate being used to establish the system of Nobel Prizes.
On this date in 1901, the Army War College is established
On this date in 1924, the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is held.
On this date in 1934, the famed bank robber Baby Face Nelson is killed in a shootout with FBI agents.
On this date in 1954, Alger Hiss is released from prison after serving nearly four years for perjury.
On this date in 1965, the Pentagon informed President Johnson that if the U.S. is to win the war in Vietnam, the number of troops there must be increased from 120,000 to over 400,000.
On this date in 1968, Penny Ann Early became the first female to play professional basketball in a U.S. major professional league, when she appeared in an ABA game.
On this date in 1973, the U.S. Senate voted 92-3 to confirm Gerald R. Ford as President (the House would vote to confirm him on December 6th).
On this date in 1978, San Francisco mayor George Moscone and openly gay supervisor Harvey Milk are murdered by former supervisor Dan White.