Thursday, August 09, 2012

Today's walk was cut way short ...

By two events.  One was the fourth, maybe fifth, hell, maybe sixth time that the place where I lived screwing up and forgetting to let me know I need to refill a prescription.  They dole out the prescriptions, because it's just easier than me remembering to take different drugs, 4 different times a day.  But I have to get the refills from the pharmacy at the VA due to privacy issues.

So this time they didn't tell me I was about to run out of my sleeping pill.  They told me "oh, you need to refill this" by slipping a note under my door after I'd taken the last pill in the bottle and gone to sleep a few nights ago.  The first night wasn't too bad, but last night I couldn't sleep.  When I finally did fall asleep it was almost 2 and as a result, I slept until 7:30.  That's too late to get in the full walk, shower and still get to breakfast at 7:30.

Then there were my visitors.  Ants.  They were here last night when I got home, although I'd been careful not to leave any food out.  There weren't a huge lot of them, I've seen invasions of thousands when I lived in El Segundo and we had dog food and water out and available for them.  But I don't keep any bug spray here. 

So this morning I walked part of my route and then detoured to the nearest drug store for some bug spray.  I came home and killed the infestation and promised myself that today will be this week's day of "active rest" and will walk on Saturday to make up for it.