Saturday, August 04, 2012

Joe Paterno's family can't be serious, can they???

The family of the late Penn St. football coach Joe Paterno has announced their intention to appeal the sanctions imposed by the NCAA against the university.  Especially those that resulted in over 100 of Paterno's then-record number of victories being declared losses.

The family is claiming that the report of former FBI head Louis B. Freeh investigating the Sandusky situation and cover-up needs further review.  That's ridiculous.  They are claiming that the NCAA did not provide the university, or the late Paterno with due process.  That's even more ridiculous.  Why?

Because the thing Paterno was most guilty of, was ensuring that the victims of Jerry Sandusky did not get due process.  Where was their due process?  Nowhere, if Paterno had been given his way.  The allegations would have been swept under the rug and the reputation and continued success of a football program would have been proven to be more important, than addressing the sexual assault of young men by one of that program's assistant coaches.

Joe-Pa's family needs to S-squared.  That's Richard Marcinko-speak for sitting down and shutting the hell up.