Saturday, August 04, 2012

It's official.  I won't be voting in November...

I can't in good conscience vote for Barrack Obama.  While Congress hasn't been exactly cooperative, his record is unimpressive.  He wasted political capital on his Obamacare program that should have been expended in pushing for legislation to improve the economy.  Stimulus spending, government spending, and so on don't really create jobs.  Not in the long run.  Worse yet, he has engaged in things like Solyndra, the polio vaccine boondoggle and more that don't track with his pronouncement that he would run the "most transparent administration" in history.

But I can't vote for Mitt Romney either.  I can't hold my nose firmly enough to avoid the stench.  I don't believe for a minute that he is guilty of paying zero income tax for a ten year period, but there isn't really a good reason for continuing to withhold his income tax returns.  The questions about whether or not he changed his residency from MA to UT in 1999 through 2002, and then made a retroactive claim that he never changed it, to enable him to run for MA Governor in 2002, his hypocritical demand that his opponent in that election release her husband's tax return (after she'd released her own) while Romney wouldn't release his, and his constant gaffes have convinced me he is unqualified to run.

If we are lucky, in our lives, we will say one thing that is profound.  I think I had my shot at it years ago when I said that the problem with our political system is "the lesser of two evils is the evil of two lessers."   That statement has never been truer than it is today.

Maybe I'll write in Pat Paulsen.  Even dead, he's probably more qualified than either of these buffoons.