Monday, September 26, 2016

Weekend news items

Dollar General is a chain of stores with over 12,000 locations in most of the U.S. States.  They were just ordered to pay a former employee $277,656 after firing her for stealing a $1.69 bottle of orange juice.  Turns out the employee is a diabetic and took the juice to drink so she wouldn't suffer a hypoglycemic attack.  She drank it before paying and that's a violation of company policy.  She paid for it after her symptoms subsided.  The jury sided with her after the EEOC took legal action on her behalf.  REPORTER'S NOTE:  The company has a policy that allows people in this type of situation to keep a drink of their own with them at the register but her supervisor did not let her.  I wonder what the firm did to the supervisor?

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Lance Sanderson just graduated from Christian Brothers High School in Memphis.  Sort of.  He had to spend his senior year at home, as the school made it clear he was no longer welcome on campus.  That's because he had the temerity to believe something written in the school's Code of Conduct:

"Students at Christian Brothers High School promote the spirit of Christian charity and fraternity among themselves each day at school and at all times when they are in the company of their classmates.  All CBHS students should feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of color, race, background, appearance, popularity, athletic ability, intelligence, personality, sexual orientation, religion or nationality."

It is an all-male school and Lance is gay.  He had the nerve to believe that it was okay for him to ask the school for permission to bring another boy as his date to the homecoming dance.  As detailed in a article on the ThinkProgress website, his principal belittled him.  Ultimately his request was denied and he was ordered not to return to the campus at the outset of his senior year.

Fortunately his future looks bright as he is now attending DePaul and he has found a job in the area.  REPORTER'S NOTE:  If you are going to publish a philosophy in your school's handbook, be prepared to live by it.

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That's a photo of the late Lee Marvin, starring in the 1980 movie The Big Red One.  You know, the other movie Mark Hamill was in the year that Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back was released.  The film was written and directed by Samuel Fuller and he served in that notable unit.

The U.S. Army's 1st Division is the oldest continuously serving U.S. Army division and it is in the news because of an investigation into its commanding officer, Major General Wayne Grigsby.  A story in a Topeka, KS newspaper (home of the 1st Division at Fort Riley) gives no reason for the suspension of General Grigsby from his duties.  The Army refuses to comment other than to say there is an official investigation going on.  REPORTER'S NOTE:  Given the recent incidents involving other senior military officers being "relieved" of duty for adultery/fraternization/sexual escapades, I can't help but wonder if that is what is going on here.

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Monday night will be the first of three presidential debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.  Mark Cuban will be sitting in the first row, according to his tweet.  One particular quote from Mr. Cuban is worth repeating.  "Let’s put it this way, if he came on 'Shark Tank,' I wouldn’t make the investment. I just don’t see him as being capable in the least bit."  REPORTER'S NOTE:  I think the Clinton campaign is hoping the presence of Cuban, who is well known for "trolling" Trump, will distract the Republican nominee.  It might work.  It might not.  But it will make the debate even more interesting to watch.

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Speaking of The Donald, a piece from explores how Trump's run for the presidency may be negatively impacting his brand and its various businesses.  Here is an excerpt:

"A walk around the lobby of the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York suggests one reason why. On a recent afternoon, a Tennessee family in matching khaki shorts browsed through merchandise in the building’s store; a young, tattooed couple with backpacks ate ice cream in the food court. The crowd was there to get photos taken in front of the gold-lettered Trump name above the entrance; they didn’t appear to be in the market for $500-a-night hotel rooms."

REPORTER'S NOTE:  Trump's businesses are mostly aimed at a high-end customer base.  Those are the people who are better educated and who earn more money, traits not typical among his base of supporters.  As a private company we will never know the real impact of his campaign on his brand's profitability.  But we do know he's holding every possible event for his campaign at one of his facilities and the campaign is paying full-price for them.

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Vin Scully called his final game at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, where for the past 50+ seasons he has been the team's announcer.  67 years in total.  And it was a final play call for the ages.

Maybe not quite as legendary as this one though:

All I can say for certain is that Los Angeles has been blessed with three of the greatest ever play-by-play announcers.  The late Chick Hearn behind the mic for the Lakers.  Vin Scully in the same job for the Dodgers.  And Bob Miller, who will continue to call games for the Kings next season, although with a reduced schedule.  We are a fortunate city indeed.