Thursday, January 24, 2019

We had Alternative Facts, how about Alternative Venues?

It looks like #DishonestDonnie has backed down and agreed to delay his State of the Union address in the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's statement that Trump cannot deliver the SOTU from the House Chamber in the Capitol Building.

Since he's known to flip-flop positions, here is a list of alternative venues for him to consider.

How about outside the IRS headquarters building, with lots of protesting IRS employees in attendance?   No?

This would be an ideal location.  Outside one of his brilliant business ventures.

The upside of delivering the SOTU outside of a Golden Corral is that the unpaid Secret Service agents who have to protect the #LiarInChief could enjoy an all you can eat buffet after the speech is over.

That's the Russian Embassy building in Washington, D.C.  Considering it is an extension of the empire of Vladimir Putin, Trump's real boss, it would be an ideal spot for the SOTU.

Perhaps the ideal venue would be the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge.  This is where members of a group known as the No More Deaths Ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church face charges for leaving food and water for people entering the U.S. illegally.

Trump could hire lots of people to portray illegal border crossers and have Customs and Border Protection arresting then en masse to make it look like the fake crisis he rails about actually existing.