Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Late night thoughts on a Tuesday

I worked a long day yesterday.  A challenging day.  Normally a long Monday workday isn't a problem, as I don't normally have much going on, on the weekends.  But I had a very busy, very long weekend.  As a result, I was utterly exhausted today.  Any thoughts I'd had on getting anything accomplished on this day flew out the window as soon as I managed to get out of bed.  Now it is late on Tuesday night and thanks to two long naps today, I'm better rested.  The moral of the story?  Stinger says it better than I could.

The problem is that I wanted to do all of the things I did this weekend.

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Sorry Mr. Trump, but it wasn't a break-in.  It was the execution of a search warrant obtained legally.

It may be unethical for an attorney to record a conversation with a client, but in New York it isn't illegal.  The New York law regarding the recording of conversations is based on one-party consent.  Michael Cohen didn't need Donald Trump's permission to record their conversation.  If you want to research the New York State Bar's Code of Professional Responsibility for yourself, it is here.

He isn't my favorite president.

As to the recently released recording of Trump and attorney Michael Cohen, more later.

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Demi Lovato's 26th birthday is next month.  She's awake and responsive after what's been reported as a drug overdose.  EMTs used Narcan to treat her when they were summoned to her home.

In the documentary Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated, she says she was introduced to cocaine at the age of 17.

Addiction is a real illness.  The only thing we can do to help those who struggle with it, is to offer our love and support.  I hope she finds sobriety again.

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There is a reality TV show called Married at First Sight.  Its name is an exact description.  One man who married a woman at first sight was very surprised when she was arrested as they were about to leave for their honeymoon.  The show is claiming that the warrant for her arrest was issued the day after they received her background check.

She is accused of stalking an ex-boyfriend and credit card fraud.

Stay tuned.

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Random Ponderings:

Maybe the judge can show mercy in sentencing former NY State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver by arranging for him to share a cell with Bernie Madoff.  He was convicted of pocketing $5 million illegally.

Nice to see Jody Watley will be appearing on TV this coming Friday morning.

I'm saddened but not surprised to learn that it was a bullet from a police officer's gun that killed Melyda Corado, the manager working at Trader Joe's over the weekend when a pursuit ended with gunfire exchanged between the suspect and the cops.  I do not fault the officer.

The 85 year old woman who refused to renew her drivers license but insists on driving her cars (2) around the block once a week to keep them running should be educated that all she needs to do is start them up and run them for a few minutes.  It isn't necessary to drive them.

I'm not surprised about the sexual harassment suits being filed by employees of the NFL Network against former stars who work there.

Whenever a headline begins with "Is Trump telling the truth..." the default answer seems to be "no."

Tonight's Mega Millions jackpot is $522 million.  Multiple sources claim that there is a curse on lottery jackpot winners, saying nearly 70% of them wind up broke.  If there is a curse on these big winners, please let me be so cursed.