Thursday, September 28, 2017

I have questions

That's Anila Daulatzai, a 46 year old college professor being forcibly removed from a Southwest Airlines flight.  She claimed to have a life-threatening allergy to dogs and wanted the airline to remove the service dog and pet dog that were on her flight.

I would like to know if she really does have an allergy to dogs that could kill her, why isn't she carrying her own Epi-pen, rather than asking the airline to provide one?

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In the speech he gave in Indiana, Donald Trump said this:

"Our framework includes our explicit commitment that tax reform will protect low-income and middle-income households, not the wealthy and well-connected.  They can call me all they want.  It’s not going to help.  I’m doing the right thing, and it’s not good for me.  Believe me."

I would like to know if the plan is or isn't bad for him, so I'm asking him to release his tax returns so we can see just how bad it really is for him.

Yes, I do not believe him.

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That is Reality Winner, the former U.S Air Force linguist who is charged with "willful retention and transmission of national defense information."  She was working for a firm that is contracted with the National Security Agency when she allegedly accessed documents showing attempts by the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election.

According to information released recently, she snuck the documents in question out of her workplace by folding them in half and putting them into her pantyhose.

I have two questions here.  While they don't do "pat-downs" for documents, wouldn't folded documents be visible in pantyhose?  And more importantly, since her lawyer is seeking to suppress her statements to the FBI on the grounds that she was not read her Miranda rights; is some FBI special agent really stupid enough not to give a proper Miranda warning before questioning a suspect?

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This next set of questions is unavailable due to this blog's ban (which I admit to violating on occasion) regarding Kardashians.

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Floyd "Money" Mayweather is claiming he is now a member of the billionaire's club, thanks to his recent $300 million+ payday from his bout with Connor McGregor.

I would like to know if he will still be a billionaire after he pays the taxes on this most recent bountiful payday.

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In 1976, Jimmy Carter was interviewed for Playboy Magazine by Robert Scheer with then Playboy editor Barry Golson in the room.  That's when candidate Carter said this:

"I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognizes that I will do--and I have done it--and God forgives me for it. But that doesn't mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock. Christ says, don't consider yourself better than someone else because one guy screws a whole bunch of women while the other guy is loyal to his wife."

I would like to ask President Carter why he claimed (apparently falsely) that he was unaware the reporter had turned his recorder on surreptitiously to record that sound bite; a claim Mr. Scheer debunked after the release of Carter's tome.  

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Former member of Congress and current Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price came under scrutiny for his travel on chartered aircraft on government business.  Now he has announced that he will repay the government nearly $52,000 to cover the cost of "...his seat."

The actual cost of the travel was estimated by Politico (they broke the story) at more than $400,000.

I would like to know why Secretary Price isn't reimbursing the government for all costs in excess of what the government would have paid, had he and his staff traveled on commercial aircraft.

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The Liar-In-Chief has been earning his nickname this week more than ever.  Check out this tweet:

With one Yes vote in hospital & very positive signs from Alaska and two others (McCain is out), we have the HCare Vote, but not for Friday!

The problem is, there were no Republican senators in the hospital.

Why would the Moron-In-Chief continue to lie about something that is so easily proven to be false is what I'd like to know.

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Now that the Cellino and Barnes law-firm divorce is happening and there are new commercials for Barnes with the phone number "One Eight Hundred, Eight Million' when will we see commercials from Cellino and what phone number will he land?

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