Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Outrage at the LiarInChief is Not the Answer

In the wake of the oft-delayed announcement that the LiarInChief, who claims to " the dreamers" that he was ending DACA, the outrage aimed at him is understandable.  But it is not the answer.

The answer contains 535 pieces and we know it as the Congress.  14 months from today, all 435 seats in the House and 33 seats in the Senate will be up for election.  We must unite and make sure that every current member of Congress understands that anyone who votes against legislative action to prevent the Dreamers from being deported will NOT stand any chance of being reelected.

We can and should make this an issue right now, rather than expressing anger and frustration.  It was the inaction of Congress that caused President Obama to sign the Executive Order that created DACA and we cannot allow that inaction to continue.  While comprehensive immigration reform would be ideal, at this moment we must focus on the Dreamers and preventing the xenophobia of Trump's base of support from shattering their dreams.

Rather than demonstrating outside the homes of Ivanka Trump and Jeff Sessions, we need to send a message to all members of Congress (but especially those 468 whose jobs will be at risk next November) that we are watching them.  That they need to work together to find a way to keep the Dreamers here.  There is no good reason to deport an adult whose only "crime" (and yes folks, it is a crime to enter this country illegally, no matter how much we say it isn't) was violating immigration law.  The children who had no say in the decision to bring them here lacked the mens rea to be judged guilty of illegal immigration.  To deport them goes beyond cruel.  It is inhuman.

It is also a waste of money.  Money that would be spent to provide them with due process, tax revenues and the economic input that they represent as part of our society.  They earn money.  They spend money.

I am outraged.  But I want to expend that energy in forcing the 535 Morons (who) Are Governing America to solve the problem.