Saturday, January 21, 2017

Friday fatigue

I was so tired after work yesterday that I was unable to write a Thursday blog.  I guess learning to live with my physical limitations includes learning to accept that there will be days I cannot do all I want to do.  Since I'm prioritizing work at the moment, other things get the energy left after work is done.

I'm glad to be working today though for the sole reason I'll be in the office and isolated from the inauguration.  I would not have watched the coverage anyway, but now it won't be in the background.

Found it kind of interesting that Ivanka Trump and her husband had to get rabbinical approval to ride in a car after sundown today.  As Orthodox Jews, they would not normally be able to do that.

When I drive to work, if there is too much traffic on Overland I will duck over to Sepulveda.  Overland turns into Westwood and both Westwood and Sepulveda Boulevards pass beneath the Santa Monica Freeway.  I find it interesting that in the Sepulveda underpass there are a number of homeless people living there in tents, but the same is not true of the Westwood underpass.  Why this disparity?

Magic Johnson had dinner with Jeannie Buss and the sports media wants to make something out of it.  He can't take an ownership stake in the Lakers while he is part of the ownership of the Dodgers.  Jeannie's brother Jim has said he will step down from his post as executive vice-president of basketball operations if the team isn't going in the "right direction."  Stay tuned.

Lots of memes about today's inauguration making the rounds.  This one pretty much sums it up.

When Chelsea Manning is released from military prison this May, she will lose all access to medical treatment through the military and VA.  That is because of the loss of her veterans benefits due to her having been dishonorably discharged from the Army.  Will those who passionately advocated for her release step forward to pick up the tab for her continued medical expenses that are part of her transition?

Anyone who buys into Donald Trump's statement that his plan will provide cheaper, better health insurance for all should read this column by David Lazarus of the Los Angeles Times.