Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Conservatives are criticizing the choice of dozens of Democratic members of Congress to boycott the inauguration of Donald Trump this coming Friday.  As I write this the number stands at 65 and it may well increase between now and noon Friday.  One of the criticisms being leveled is that this is unprecedented.

There is some validity to that charge.  In 2013 when a number of Republicans chose to skip the second inauguration of Barrack Obama it wasn't announced publicly.  They merely made other plans.  Then Texas Governor Rick Perry made a point of giving his only substantive interview of the entire year dealing with policy at the exact moment the inauguration began.

However, comparing this inauguration to those that have come before is a misnomer.  There is no valid comparison because there are so many things about the incoming president, the campaign and what has transpired over the past 18 months are are also unprecedented.  How is this inauguration different than any in the past?  Because we've never had a man about to take the oath of office who has:

Lied as much, or as often as Donald Trump has.  There has probably been no prior president, including George Washington, who did not tell lies during the campaign.  But Donald Trump has reached new levels of dishonesty.  He continues to deny having mocked a disabled reporter.

Been in breach of a contract with the government's General Services Administration the moment he took the oath of office.

Failed to release his tax returns, at least for the past four decades.

Suffered a Net Operating Loss on his personal income taxes of nearly $1 billion.

Filed for business bankruptcy multiple times and costing his investors billions of dollars.

Been accused of sexual harassment and assault to the degree such charges have been leveled at Donald Trump.

Been being sued for fraud with a deposition date pending after the election date.

Engaged in a Twitter war with anyone who he feels has said something unflattering about him.

Publicly criticized the father and mother of a fallen soldier.

* * *

Then there is the question of Russian hacking and its influence on the election.  Never before has multiple intelligence agencies of this nation determined that another nation attempted to interfere in our presidential elections.

As noted in an earlier blog, the Russians have not been accused of successfully hacking into the systems that handled the votes of Americans.  Did they hack the DNC?  Apparently so.  Did that cost Hillary Clinton the election all by itself?  No.

However, the question of foreign interference in our election has never presented itself in this way before.  This is also unprecedented.

* * *

Is it a sign of disrespect to the American people to boycott the inauguration?  No.  It is a sign of disrespect to the man taking the oath of office.  We must respect the office.  We need to refer to Donald Trump as Mister President, President Trump and so on, once he is sworn in.  The office deserves that respect.

As to whether or not the man deserves your respect, that's up to you.