Thursday, January 05, 2017

Does this add up?

Anyone who is familiar with football knows the value of a number of the players on special teams.  The punter, the kicker, the long-snapper and the holder.  So what would you make of this statement?

"The “numbers” situation in actuality is this: starting long snapper on scholarship, starting holder on scholarship, backup holder on scholarship, starting punter on scholarship, backup punter on scholarship, starting kicker walk-on. Is there anything wrong with this snapshot of the specialist group? Why are those deserving lads worthy of a scholarship while our son isn’t? What more did they do this past season that our son did not?"

That is an extract from a letter that the father and mother of University of Georgia kicker Rodrigo Blakenship in response to head football coach Kirby Smart telling them that Rodrigo will not be getting a mid-season scholarship.

Airing dirty laundry in the media is almost never a good move.  But in this case, considering just how well Rodrigo performed since getting the job as the team's starting kicker, it might not have been a bad idea.  The "boosters" of the UGA football team will not like the thought of losing a kicker who hits game winning field goals.

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What those four teens allegedly did to that special needs classmate of one of them is reprehensible.  That they chose to live-stream it on Facebook boggles the mind.

But the fact that white supremacists and conservative talk show hosts are trying to use this as proof that the #BlackLivesMatter movement is responsible for this violence is at least as horrific as what happened.

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Charles Manson had over 100 infractions of prison rules prior to his being hospitalized.  He's serving nine life sentences. If he survives this illness, what punishment should these infractions result in?  They can't add to his remaining time behind bars.

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A man in Japan paid $632,000 for a 466 lb for a blue fin tuna.  That's over $1,400 per pound.  Must be destined for some really expensive sushi.

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Two sisters trying to get to their dying father's bedside were thrown off of a flight by what they described as a "rude" flight attendant.  As a result their father died before they could get there.

The airline is "investigating."  Wow.

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   (Amended by Ord. No. 176,342, Eff. 1/19/05, Oper. 7/1/05.)
   (a)   Small Business.  No tax is required to be paid under this Article by any Small Business.  A Small Business shall mean any person whose total taxable and nontaxable gross receipts from within and without the City do not exceed $50,000.00.  The $50,000.00 amount shall be increased to $100,000.00 on July 1, 2006.
   (Amended by Ord. No. 176,342, Eff. 1/19/05, Oper. 7/1/05.)
   (a)   Small Business.  No tax is required to be paid under this Article by any Small Business.  A Small Business shall mean any person whose total taxable and nontaxable gross receipts from within and without the City do not exceed $50,000.00.  The $50,000.00 amount shall be increased to $100,000.00 on July 1, 2006.