Friday, August 12, 2016

Donald Trump - "I'm just a truth teller"

Sorry that you have to wade through six minutes of this drivel to get to the key statement by Donald Trump in an interview with CNBC.  If you'd rather just read it, here it is, "I'm a truth teller. All I do is tell the truth. And if at the end of 90 days, I've fallen short because I'm somewhat politically correct even though I'm supposed to be the smart one and even though I'm supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it's OK. I go back to a very good way of life."

Donald Trump the truth-teller.  As an old friend of mine would say in German, "geben Sie mir eine verdammte Pause."  Let's review the most recent and egregious example.  Before dismissing it as a joke and sarcasm, Mr. Trump referred to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the "co-founders of ISIS."  Given a chance to walk that statement back by conservative talk-show host Hugh Hewitt, Trump reaffirmed his comment.

There's a CNN video from a 2007 interview Trump did with Wolf Blitzer where Trump blames President George W. Bush (or as we like to refer to him, Junior) for our failure in Iraq.  Wouldn't that make him the founder of ISIS in the twisted Trump mind?  In actuality, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi founded what became ISIS back in 1999, before either Bush Junior or Obama were residing in the Oval Office.

But let's delve into what are instances where Donald Trump, the self-professed truth-teller actually lied through his polished teeth.

He stated that Hillary Clinton said she would raise taxes on the middle class.  False.

He stated that he's beating New Hampshire's U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte in polls in NH.  False.

Because he's actually afraid to engage Hillary Clinton in a debate, Donald Trump lied his ass off and claimed that Secretary Clinton and the DNC conspired to schedule the debates at the same time as NFL game telecasts.  False.

When Tim Kaine became the Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee, Trump stated that Kaine took many more gifts than another former VA governor, Bob McConnell.  Another lie.

There are more than a dozen pages of such items to be found on the Politifact website.  But they aren't not the best evidence that Donald Trump is a dishonest person.  That his only interest in truth is when his version of the truth benefits him personally.  A story published this past June in USA Today shows that Trump and his various businesses have failed to pay bills.  That they will sign contracts and then attempt to force a settlement where they pay less than what they agreed to pay.   In fact if you read far enough into the story you'll find that attorneys who have represented Trump wound up not being paid for their work.  Some of them had to sue for payment of unpaid bills.

Donald Trump is many things.  He is NOT a truth teller.