Monday, July 25, 2016

Scam or legit?

I got an unsolicited email the other day from something called  A PTIN is a number issued by the IRS to someone who is authorized to sign tax returns as a paid preparer.  Every tax professional must update their PTIN annually with the IRS.  Here's the email.

Message body

Congratulations, Brian
You have been selected to be featured as the "2016 Best Rated Tax Preparer" in Los Angeles.
We currently are looking for one Tax Preparer in the Los Angeles area to submit to Google as the "2016 Best Rated Local Tax Preparer in Los Angeles".
When you are listed as the 2016 Best Rated Tax Preparer in Los Angeles - we guarantee that you will get clients.
Sign up only if you are still interested in taking on more tax clients throughout the year - not just tax season.
When people search for a Tax Professional - they want the "best".
Since you will be listed as the "Best" in your area, you will get the call before anyone else.
When people search for a Tax Preparer online, YOU will show up prominently in the local search in Google.
We make it easy for potential clients to find you on Google - guaranteed.
Note: There are NO recurring monthly or annual charges to pay to be in this program.
Don't waste your money on expensive Internet marketing that doesn't work.
Sign up now for a one-time only fee of only $279. There are NO recurring monthly or annual charges!
1. We feature and submit your "Best Rated Tax Preparer" PTIN Profile to Google so you show up in the local search in Los Angeles - guaranteed.
2. We provide you with a "5 Star Rated" Review system for Internet visibility and search optimization and use on your own website, if you have one.
3. We add and feature you on the "Find the Best Tax Preparers" mobile app for the iPhone and Android platforms.
4. We feature your Best Rated Tax Preparer Profile on the homepage of when people search from your local area.
5. We add you to the exclusive list of "Best Rated Tax Preparers" which is easily accessible throughout PTIN.ORG.

Wow.  All that for the low, low price of $279.  So I went to and searched to see who is currently the best-rated tax professional in my zip code.  There were no results.  I searched within a 50 mile radius of four Southern California zip codes and found only one review of one tax pro.

Then I did a Google search for "best tax preparer" in Los Angeles.  Imagine my surprise when my office was the top listed location in the resulting Yelp search.  So I'm guessing I will do okay without availing myself of the services of

I just saved $279.  Guess I'll treat myself to dinner out.