Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trump Skipping the Debate

Donald Trump has tossed another set of insults at Fox News' Megyn Kelly and is using her as an excuse for his choice to skip.

With all of his self-professed being the best at anything he tries, Donald Trump has no real credentials to denigrate the journalistic abilities of Megyn Kelly.  His degree is in business.  He's never been a working journalist.  He is certainly entitled to his opinion but it should carry no more weight than the opinion of anyone else who has never been the one holding the microphone.

We've had presidential debates for decades.  Never before has one candidate, a front-runner no less, refused to take part in a debate because he believes one of the panel of moderators is not qualified to be on that panel.  Part and parcel of being in such a debate is that you have no control over who is asking the questions.  You only have control over your responses.

But the real reason that Donald Trump isn't going to be on the debate stage on Thursday night is that he's actually a very risk-averse person.  Let's be clear.  He isn't averse to taking risks with other people's money.  Just ask the investors who lost their shirts when investing in the Trump businesses that wound up in bankruptcy. 

Donald Trump is within inches of winning a presidential caucus in Iowa.  Now is not the time to take risks because he could finally say something that will alienate caucus-goers.  He switched from fawning about Ted Cruz to blasting him when Cruz closed the gap in the polls.  Trump then found a way to make a deal with Sarah Palin, which for some absurd reason stopped the gains being made by Ted Cruz.  Actually it isn't so absurd.  She'd endorsed Cruz before.  The absurd notion is that anyone gives any weight to anything this clueless woman says or does.

There is another factor in play here.  If Donald Trump is afraid of tough and/or unfair questions from Megyn Kelly, it is yet another strong indicator that Mr. Trump is not qualified to be our nation's president.  When you're the President of the United States, you don't get to avoid dealing with other world leaders you believe will be treating you unfairly.  You can't choose to exclude members of the press from the White House Press Briefing room just because you think they're asking unfair questions.

For his entire life Donald Trump has been living in a delusional world where he is the best at everything and anytime he doesn't like the situation; he can pick up his marbles and just go home.  Being a leader of a nation doesn't work that way.  He lack leadership just as his continued misogynistic commentaries show he lacks empathy and compassion.

Skipping the debate is just one more sign that this man isn't qualified to be elected dogcatcher, let alone president.