Monday, December 21, 2015

It can be very frustrating....

to be unable to jump into a Facebook thread that shows up on your timeline because a friend is involved in it, but you aren't friends with the original poster.  So I've decided to repost the entire thread here so I can comment on it.

First, the link that started it.  Then the thread.  My comments are in italics.  I've removed all of the names of the posters and any identifying language.

Well, there goes the whole First Amendment.
Only if we the people allow our nation to become a theocracy, which isn't going to happen.
Leave it to the socialists at Forward Progressives to interpret what Cruz said as wanting a theocracy. Not even close.
Actually a political system where voting decisions and the passage of laws are based primary on religious principles would indeed be a theocracy.
How do you figure that, ?
Why don't you find out what Cruz actually said? He is encouraging Christians to actively become part of the process. How different is that when the Democrats are conspiring to register Hispanics for the purpose of voting against Trump? the same logic would say that the Democrats want to save the US by turning it into Mexico.
How is it different?  Trump is a bigot.  Trump is a racist.  The interests of Hispanics in the U.S. is not the same as "saving" Mexico.
Oh yes, the American Family Association is a hate group. Like the Poverty Law Center is an unbiased group, sponsored by George Soros. What a complete joke. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. 
I went through the last three years of nonprofit tax returns for both the Soros Foundation and the Southern Poverty Law Center.  According to those returns, Soros hasn't given them one dime during that period.  Perhaps you have evidence to the contrary?  Other respected groups concur with the labeling of the AFA by the SPLC as a hate group.  Or do you not find the rhetoric of their former Director of Issues Analysis, Bryan Fisher that blames Hitler on the LGBT community to be evidence of hate-mongering?  Fischer has compared making criminalizing LGBT people with bans on murder, stealing, child molestation, delicious trans fats and prostitution.  Sure sounds like hate to me.
 It sounds to me like Cruz is actively soliciting Evangelicals to vote in accordance with certain "Biblical" principals, which could be a way of saying that the majority religion (or vote, anyway) should dictate law. One can debate the "hate group" designation, but the American Family Association does have a history of anti-homosexual propaganda, which includes misrepresenting the nature of homosexuality in order to discredit and dehumanize homosexuals.

Just watched that video, No surprise Ted Cruz is Bat Shit Crazy

, that's what moral people do. They vote according to what lines up with them morally. Believe it or not, there are many that think abortion is immoral. To vote according to what they believe or vote people out of office for not representing them is democracy. Unlike the left which are now becoming more and more socialist and communist. Regarding the feelings about homosexuality, your stance is based on your moral position, does not line up with everyone's. To impose a homosexual agenda that directly conflicts with another's first amendment right is abhorrent. The fact that one does not subscribe to the redefinition of marriage is not homophobic. (The fear of man). it is a moral stance. The government should not be in the place of dictating a religious belief.
But here is the interesting dichotomy in all of this. the left demonizes Christians for their stance, yet calls Islam the Religion of Peace, where there law is an automatic death penalty for homosexuality. Hows that?
Real moral people begin at the beginning, with the recognition of certain basic premises.  That we are all created equal.  Endowed with certain inalienable rights.  No one is imposing a "homosexual agenda" on anyone.  Don't want to marry someone of the same sex, then don't.  That some people of the same sex want to be married in the eyes of the LAW is all about equality of treatment.  Religion shouldn't be a component of marriages in terms of their recognition by government entities.  Get rid of marriage as a governmental construct.  Abolish them.  Replace them with civil unions.  Any two consenting adults can enter into a civil union and receive the rights, privileges and responsibilities thereof.  Then sanction any marriage performed by a licensed officiant of any religion as meeting the criteria for a civil union being entered into.  So the religious folk who want to be married in a church (or other faith's equivalent) can do so and those who just want the same rights can avoid that if they so choose.
Thanks for explaining morality to me. To make same sex marriage legal does not impose a belief on anyone. It simply grants equal rights to homosexuals. I think a lot of the Freedom of Religion questions hinge on how far we believe that freedom ought to extend. I believe that religious freedom should encompass more than "worship," but I do not believe that every dictate of one's conscience must be accommodated by the government, particularly when the dictate would deny civil or human rights to another. The anti gay stance of some Christian s is not what the left demonizes, as much as the active attempt of some to denigrate and deny human rights to gays. It is not so much a question of belief, but of actions. Some Evangelicals simply cannot be at peace knowing that their views are not universally accepted. Maturity means that one acknowledges that the world does not always confirms to one's beliefs, and that people have the right to decide what to believe.
The bottom line is that denying any human being the same rights as any other being, based on the religion of any person, is discrimination and it must be prohibited.  With only a few, extreme exceptions.  None of which are being discussed in this thread.