Tuesday, December 08, 2015

A lesson in history and political science for Donnie Trump

The man whose brain apparently never gets fully into gear before his mouth opens has really done it this time.  Not only has Donald Trump issued a call for a complete ban on any Muslims entering the United States, he's compared that proposal to what happened to the Japanese and the Germans after December 7th.  Perhaps we should take this back to his apparently elementary school level IQ and use simple pictures to begin.

That's a map of Japan.

And that is a map of Germany.

And the space between this line and the label of the map of Germany above is where the map of the Nation of Islam would go, if such a nation existed.  You see Donnie, now stop trying to steal Nancy's lunch money young man, Japan and Germany were nations at the start of World War II (and remain so today).  There is no Nation of Islam.  It is a religion, not a nation.

We were at war with Germany and Japan.  In fact, Donnie, it was on this date, December 8th in the year 1941 that the U.S. formally declared war on Japan and Germany, one day after Japan's unprovoked attack on the U.S. at Pearl Harbor.  Once formal declarations were made, citizens of Japan and Germany within the borders of the U.S. could be legally interned.  That our nation improperly and illegally interned Japanese-Americans and some German-Americans doesn't justify what you are suggesting, Donnie.

The faith of Islam is not at war with the United States, Donnie  Just as the U.S. is not at war with the faith of Islam.  We are at war with a very small group of Muslims who are perverting their faith's tenets to wage a campaign of terror all over the planet.  There are over 1.7 billion Muslims on Earth.  We are only at war with those who try to kill and terrorize us.

I know it's tough for a fifth grader like you to grasp the difference between religions and nations, but by now you should have a basic understanding of the difference.  We did study the First Amendment's language that prevents government from "infringing" anyone's freedom of religion.  If you'd been paying attention all along, you would know that what you've proposed is patently a violation of the First Amendment.  It won't stand up to any legal challenge.  Congress won't pass a law implementing your idiotic idea.

So you're on a time-out, young man.  Go sit in the corner and trade stocks on your iPhone until I say otherwise.
