Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My live commentary on the 11/10/2015 Republican debate

The introductions and the opening statements of tonight's primetime Republican candidate's debate are being sponsored by the United States Military Academy at West Point. West Point, where we don't give scholarships, and where you have to apply to be offered a "free ride."

I wonder what kind of tantrum Donald Trump would have thrown tonight if there had been an odd number of candidates at the debate and he would have had to give up the center podium due to his trailing Ben Carson in the most recent national polls.  I have to imagine it would not have been pretty. Much like his hair.

For those who have never watched the Fox Business News channel, do not adjust your television. The slant to the right is normal for this channel.

Ben Carson's campaign has issued a pre-debate press release reminding everyone he feels the media scrutiny of him is "unfair."  In other breaking news, the sun will rise in the East tomorrow.

Don't forget to stock up on anti-eye glaze, to prevent your eyes from glazing over when the candidates talk about their tax plans at the #RepublicanDebate.  Available at a drugstore near you.

Those interested in analysis of tonight's debate by a former presidential candidate should tune into the live stream on HRossPerot.confused where he will explain things using many charts.

Does Barry Manilow know that Carly Fiorina raided his ex-wife's wardrobe?

That national anthem was brought to you by the Koch Brothers.  They want you to know that things go better with Koch.

Cue cheesy music and opening credits.

Predictions for tonight's debate include a 27% reduction in references to Christianity due to the absence of Mike Huckabee.  #RepublicanDebate

Coming next week on Fan Duel, Fantasy Presidential Campaigning. #RepublicanDebate

They should use this sound when someone goes over their allotted time.  #RepublicanDebate http://instantrimshot.com/index.php?sound=priceiswrong

Trump - "I've come up with a tax plan that many, many people like."  Left unsaid is that he can't name any of them because they don't exist. #RepublicanDebate

Carson - "I can remember when I was a child that I couldn't find a job if minimum wages had been too high."  Kind of like you remembering you tried to stab someone and their belt buckle saved them?  #RepublicanDebate  Oh, it's okay, #BrianWilliams was there to witness it.

Kasich - "My father carried mail on his back." And how is this relevant to balancing the budget?

Kasich - "Lower taxes, lower spending."  Could we try holding taxes firm and spending less at least at first? #GOPDebate

Finally, someone talking about the labor participation rate instead of the unemployment rate!!!!  #GOPDebate

Repeal this, repeal that, to hell with the environment and the people.  #GOPDebate

Fiorina - "She had several children."  At least Reagan's fake anecdotes were specific. #GOPDebate

Fiorina - "Go to a three page tax code."

The Fiorina Form 1040

Line 1.  How much did you make last year?
Line 2.  Send it in.


Quantitative Easing is something we should be talking about more, not less.  #GOPDebate

The next segment of the GOP Debate is brought to you by Hobby Lobby.  Hobby Lobby where we help you to create, and force our employees to procreate. #GOPDebate

Carson - "What I do have a problem with is being lied about."  Fine, Dr. file a libel lawsuit. #GOPDebate

Trump - "We have to stop illegal immigration."  Really?  Where will you get your construction workers? #GOPDebate

Trump - "The wall will be built. The wall will work."  He's seen Field of Dreams too many times. #GOPDebate

Trump - "We have no choice.  We have no choice." Oh good, repeating it may help it make more sense the 2nd time.  Not true. #GOPDebate

Trump - "I've built an incredible company worth billions and billions of dollars."  Let's forget that my companies had to go bankrupt 4 times. #GOPDebate

Bush - "The way you win the presidency is to have practical plans."  Which means these 8 candidates are shit outta luck. #GOPDebate

"That's an excellent question."  Translation - give me a moment, you stumped me on that one. #GOPDebate

Las Vegas oddsmakers did set the over/under for mentions of "Repeal Obamacare" tonight at 34. #GOPDebate

A reminder to not attempt to adjust your TV set during the debate.  If the image seems to be tilting even further to the right, this is normal for Fox Business News. #GOPDebate

Fiorina - "That bill is 10,000 pages, no one can understand it." Funny, I read it.  I understand it. #GOPDebate

Fiorina - "The secret sauce of America is innovation." Jack-in-theBox won't like hearing that. #GOPDebate

The next segment of the #GOPDebate is brought to you by the United Lobbyists of D.C. We need a complicated tax code.

Whose plan would God endorse?  You gotta be kidding.  What a lame-ass question. #GOPDebate

Good thing they didn't ask Mike Huckabee that lame question. He'd probably say God told him his plan was best. #GOPDebate

Since the next segment of the ‪#‎GOPDebate‬ will consider the issue of Commander-in-Chief, it is brought to you by General Dynamics, Boeing, TRW and other military contractors. We need a strong military and lots of military contracts to survive.

I'm getting the feeling Ben Carson won't be lecturing at the National War College on military strategy in this lifetime.

"....to recruit Americans in our own country." Now there's a thought, as though they might find more Americans outside our borders. ‪#‎GOPDebate‬ 

I wish they'd cut the microphone on jerks like Trump who run over their time. #GOPDebate  

Trump - "I spoke to a general two weeks ago."  General Motors?  General Mills?  Who? #GOPDebate

Fiorina - "King Abdullah has asked us for bombs and materiel."  Maybe if he offered to pay?? #GOPDebate 

"Vladimir Putin is exploiting that weakness." From the original movie Arthur "Do you have any objection to naming a child Vladimir? Even if it's a girl?" ‪#‎GOPDebate‬

 "Governor Kasich, I'm going to ask you about Red China." Kasich - "It goes well with a blue tablecloth." #GOPDebate

"Egypt, they've been a moderating force throughout their history."  Forgetting that Egypt was about to attack Israel in 1967 in what became the Six Day War #GOPDebate  

The next segment of the Republican candidates debate is co-sponsored by the Committee to ‪#‎DumpTrump‬ and the United Colorado Marijuana Retailers. Joining forces to get buzzed while stoning Trump. ‪#‎GOPDebate‬

Carson - "This country was created in 1776."  At least his violent youth didn't keep him out of history classes. #GOPDebate

 "A free enterprise system that is under laid..."  Is he saying we don't get laid enough in the U. S.? #GOPDebate 

 Fiorina - "As a CEO who had to make tough calls to save jobs..." And failed to save the jobs or the company. ‪#‎GOPDebate‬

The next segment of the Republican candidate debate is brought to you by Mitt Romney.  Mitt says "glad it isn't me this time around."  #GOPDebate 

Just once I'd like to hear "that question sucks."  #GOPDebate 

Fiorina - "I would beat Hilary Clinton."  Right, just like she swore she'd beat Barbara Boxer in 2010. #GOPDebate

The closing statement segment of the Republican candidate debate is co-sponsored by the Tea Party and the KKK. Take off a KKK member's white robe and you'll probably find a Tea Party member. ‪#‎GOPDebate‬