Tuesday, September 22, 2015

When in doubt, let's go to the tape.

Carly Fiorina said some things about Planned Parenthood and videos that she has herself seen at the second Republican Candidates Debate that people are calling an outright lie.  She is not backing down from the claims she herself saw a "...a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. This is about the character of this nation!"

No one is supporting her version of this claim.  She herself insists it's true.  So, let's go to the video that Ms Fiorina has seen.  It's right here:

Well, that was enlightening.  It certainly cleared this up.  Obviously she saw what she saw, but can't provide one single image to support her claims.  She is right.  This is about the character of the nation.

When Ms Fiorina has spent a lot of time calling out Hillary Clinton for lying, not backing off of this claim is the height of arrogance.  Unless Ms Fiorina can provide proof of her claim, her credibility will plummet to zero.

It's easy to prove Hillary Clinton lied:

She made a claim and the video proved it false.  Ms Fiorina has made a claim about what is supposed to be on a video.  So release the video.  Or back off the claim.

At this rate, Ms Fiorina's campaign is doomed to be best described by part of another famous video.

That's Vinko Bogataj falling off the ski jump as the forever-remembered "agony of defeat" image in the opening of ABC's Wide World of Sports.  Ms Fiorina needs to own up to her lie or she too will suffer a disastrous fall as well.