Tuesday, September 08, 2015

An open letter to Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. Trump,

During your appearance on the Hugh Hewitt radio program you said "I will be so good at the military, I will make your head spin."  Now you've likened your time at the New York Military Academy, 8th through 12 grades to having been in the military.  In fact, you're on the record as saying you have "...always felt..." that having gone through that prep school experience has given you "...more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military."

Of all of the statements you have made thus far during your megalomaniacal campaign, this is by far the most ridiculous.  Thus far.  You have no idea what it means to serve in the military.  Your earlier pejorative statements directed at Senator John McCain already proved you are basically clueless about things military.  Senator McCain flew 23 combat missions over Vietnam before being shot down and spending years in a North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp.  The biggest military risk you've ever faced was injuring the bone spurs that earned you a deferment from military service when you were marching at your prep school.

Your comparison of attending a prep military school to military service fails immediately in that your parents could have let you come home at any moment.  As an example for comparison purposes, Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle couldn't just quit when the going got too tough for him during any of his four tours of duty in Iraq.  Nor can any other military member.  SGT Bowe Bergahl faces a general court-martial and a life prison sentence for doing just that, walking away.

Did you learn to fire a weapon in your school by competing as a member of the rifle team?  From what's available on the web, that and JROTC seems to be the only opportunities for any training like that.  Learn about the UCMJ?  Doubtful.  The Code of Conduct?  Extremely doubtful.  Tactics?  Military History?

You've never been deployed.  Never forced to spend six months, or a year away from your loved ones, thousands of miles from home.  You've never been at risk.

In short, you don't have a clue about what military life is really like.  Nor do you have the cojones to admit this.  Instead you continue with your delusional self-aggrandizing dialogue, thinking you're the best at every single thing under the sun.  Worse yet, you bully anyone who dares to disagree with you, calling them third-rate and losers.  Kareem was right.  You're trying to actively stifle any dissent with your statements and here in the U. S., that is not going to fly.

Your campaign is doomed by your lack of connection to reality.  Maybe after you've failed, NBC will give you a new TV show, and maybe Macy's will once again sell your signature clothing line that's actually made in China and Mexico.  I hope not.