Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Back to work for a hated man

Walter Palmer, DDS is going back to work on Tuesday, September 8th at his Bloomington, MN dental practice.  There will undoubtedly be madness outside his office, police officers and security guards there to keep everyone safe and it will be a major spectacle.

Even in the light of his admission that he was the one who killed Cecil the lion, and his statements about how he would not have killed Cecil had he known of his prominence and importance; it is important that we remember a few things.  First and foremost is that in this nation, under our system of laws, Mr. Palmer must be given the presumption of innocence in terms of whether or not he engaged in a criminal act.  It may be that he violated the laws of the land where Cecil was murdered.  It may be that he has violated U. S. laws.  We don't know this for a fact just yet.

On the other hand, in the court of public opinion, he's been tried, found guilty and his head is mounted (virtually) on the wall behind the computer desks of millions of social media users.  That's fine.  The death threats against him and his family, and his employees, are reprehensible.  They serve no useful purpose.

The people protesting outside his office are free to do so, as long as they do it peacefully.  That can say and write what they want, as long as they don't threaten to commit crimes.

It's amusing to look at the murderer's business on Yelp.com.  Seems those who want to post negative reviews of his dental practice keep posting about his hunting proclivities even though such reviews violate the Yelp content guidelines and the reviews keep getting deleted.

All in all, this will be an interesting days.