Yet another open letter
The photo below is of a note left on the windshield of the car of someone who had a Purple Heart sticker and a Iraq War veteran sticker on their car.
To the author of this note:
Greetings, coward. I call you a coward because you have the guts to write this kind of bullshit but don't have the nerve to sign your name to it. The government may not be able to infringe upon your freedom of speech rights in some ways, but this is completely unacceptable. At least when done anonymously.
If you feel this strongly about the person who owns this car, and what they did for their country that they deserve to die for it, sign your name. Put down your address. Then wait for the firestorm of protest that will occur outside of your front door. If you thought the protests outside the offices of the dentist who murdered Cecil the lion was something, wait until you see what happens outside your front window.
It isn't too late. Step up. Show you have the stones to stand behind your words. Otherwise, just shut the hell up and crawl back into your coward's corner.
You don't know a thing about the veteran who owns this car. You don't know their feelings about Muslims or the Islamic faith. You made assumptions and they are the mother of all foul-ups. So own up. Step up. Or else, shut up.
To the author of this note:
Greetings, coward. I call you a coward because you have the guts to write this kind of bullshit but don't have the nerve to sign your name to it. The government may not be able to infringe upon your freedom of speech rights in some ways, but this is completely unacceptable. At least when done anonymously.
If you feel this strongly about the person who owns this car, and what they did for their country that they deserve to die for it, sign your name. Put down your address. Then wait for the firestorm of protest that will occur outside of your front door. If you thought the protests outside the offices of the dentist who murdered Cecil the lion was something, wait until you see what happens outside your front window.
It isn't too late. Step up. Show you have the stones to stand behind your words. Otherwise, just shut the hell up and crawl back into your coward's corner.
You don't know a thing about the veteran who owns this car. You don't know their feelings about Muslims or the Islamic faith. You made assumptions and they are the mother of all foul-ups. So own up. Step up. Or else, shut up.
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