Sunday, December 14, 2014

Eyecatching headlines and ponderings on them

Now here's a picture where feelings are quite clear:

You probably recognize Angelina Jolie on the left, giving the Lara Croft stare of ice to the woman she's sort of embracing.  The woman on the right is Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chair Amy Pascal and she was involved in an email exchange with A-list producer Scott Rudin that was leaked by the people who hacked Sony.  Mr. Rudin referred to Ms Jolie as "a minimally talented spoiled brat" along with other less than flattering descriptions.  Reporter's note:  I'm guessing that Ms Pascal may have been crossed off of Ms Jolie's Christmas card list.  Pascal is also under fire for other emails where she asked very insensitive questions in reference to President Obama.  Her days in her job may be numbered.  If you want to look at another disturbing email leaked from Sony, check out

That's Steve Cohen, a Democrat who represents Tennessee in Congress saying that Eli and Peyton Manning don't do sexual assault against other people...except their wives.  Reporter's note:  The moron didn't even catch his incredibly stupid blunder of a statement, he kept right on blathering.

Bold.  That's how some are describing the brazen theft of a fur coat valued in excess of $180,000.  Reporter's note:  Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Another piece of fallout from the leak of emails involving Sony executives is that the fact they tried to pay billionaire Mark Cuban what he considered an "insulting" $30,000 per episode of "Shark Tank."  Reporter's note:  The investors on Shark Tank should be appearing for free, given the investment opportunities being served up to them on a plate.

In South Carolina, a woman's military husband is being told he can only stay in her apartment for seven days, or else the landlord will file charges and double her rent.  Reporter's note:  The landlord may be doing the right thing legally, but it sucks morally.

Members of Disneyland's exclusive Club 33 are up in arms about new limits placed on the number of extra VIP cards they get for their platinum level membership fee of $11,000 per year.  On top of the reduced number for 2014, starting next year membership rises to $12,000 annually and only the member and their spouse/domestic partner will get cards (dependents under the age of 21 will continue to receive some of the benefits).  Reporter's note:  More and more, the Mouse is all about the bottom line.  Will they remove all of the park's water fountains next to increase drink sales?

The $1.1 trillion dollar Omnibus spending bill will be voted on next week after some procedural maneuvering and the passage of yet another stop-gap spending measure in the Senate.  Democrats in general and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren in particular are concerned about a provision in the bill that weakens the Dodd-Frank regulations, allowing banks to once again deal in derivatives.  There is also opposition to a provision raising campaign contribution limits, giving the wealthy more of an ability to shape elections.  Reporter's note:  Weakening any portion of Dodd-Frank is an act of lunacy, this particular provision being the worst possible one to mess with.  I'm more than willing to allow larger limits on campaign donations, provided they are accompanied by a removal of the secrecy in election funding.

ISIS is demanding a ransom of $1 million for the return of the body of slain journalist James Foley.  Reporter's note:  Let's give them more.  How about $28 million, in the form of 20 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles targeted at their leadership.

Reporter's note:  It isn't a headline, but I'm watching a very eclectic double-feature on the Sundance Channel.  They've paired up "Revenge of the Nerds" with "Revenge of the Ninja."  Two cheesy films that are definitely guilty-pleasure viewing.

While continuing to avoid solving the major problems facing it, Congress snuck an amendment into their continuing resolution that would allow multi-employer pension plans to slash benefits to current and future retirees.  Reporter's note:  Bet they won't allow their own pensions to be cut.

A 7th grade special needs girl in the Dallas-Forth Worth area was not just bullied at her middle school, but had to go to the hospital with a concussion.  Reporter's note:  Where are the freaking parents who allow their kids to do this kind of thing to the weakest children?

In case you missed the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, here is the absolutely final performance of the Fred Hill Briefcase Drill Team

And here is where they probably drew their inspiration: is running a story about a collection of very valuable cars.  The cars were found on the property of a man in France who had dreamt of establishing a museum but ran out of money.  One of them, a 1961 Ferrari is expected to bring more than $11 million at an upcoming auction.  Reporter's note:  One of the graphics contained in this video piece reads "The auctioneer says Jane Fonda once road in the rare Ferrari."  Maybe it was someone French who did the graphics and they struggle with English?  I'm sure if the editor saw that gaffe, their response would be "merde."