Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tired Tuesday

Detroit is broke.  In the minds of some, that explains why 40% of the city's streetlights don't work, the majority of the city's parks are closed and the response time of police to 911 calls is just plain awful.  But how did they get this way?  What caused the mass exodus of the residents to suburbs or other areas altogether?  Mismanagement certainly has a role.

Detroit PD has a 2004 Dodge Intrepid among its vehicle fleet.  The lease called for it to be returned in 2005, at which point the city could buy it outright.  They didn't turn it in.  They just kept driving it.  As of May 2012, the bill for leasing a car that would have cost $25,000 new is over $65,000.  There are dozens of other vehicles draining the city coffers in the city's vehicle fleet.

Then there's the issue of corruption.  Coleman Young was mayor of Detroit for 20 years.  While he was never arrested, two of his close associates were the police chief and deputy police chief.  The two top cops were arrested and convicted of stealing millions of dollars from a police undercover fund. 

Redlining by banks has hurt the city.

Police treatment of minorities has hurt the city.

If a major corporation were to be offered a big chunk of land, free, as long as they built a business there and started hiring, would they be interested?  What if the city offered to let them operate for ten years without paying city taxes?  No one would be interested.  Why would they want to move to a city where the educated and trained workforce they would need isn't present.  A report issued in 2011 claimed that 47% of Detroit's adults were "functionally illiterate."  Businesses need literate people in their workforce to build any kind of industry that can support a city tax-wise.

Detroit is on a downward spiral and I don't see an answer.  Do you?

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Taco Bell is discontinuing their "kid's meal."  I was a little surprised when I heard this until I found a news item that included the factoid that sales of kids meals represent one-half of one percent of their total sales.

Kid's meals are labor intensive.  Take it from someone who made more of those funky little box things at McDonald's in 1979 when they first came out (I was in the Air Force but working nights at the local McDonald's until I got a better job at the roller rink). 

But they sell.  They bring in parents who have kids to feed.  They are a great marketing tool.  Taco Bell has made it clear they are trying to market to young men, not families with kids.  So why
shouldn't they abandon a kid's meal if the portion of their sales such meals generate is so low?

The answer is that they shouldn't.  Good on them for making a smart choice.

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Random ponderings:

Anyone who really thinks Aaron Rogers is going to pay someone his salary of $4.5 million over a bet he made on Twitter; or that he should pay off that bet, is being silly.

After reading about cops confiscating $1 million in cash in a car trunk, would anyone give consent for cops to search a car after being pulled over for speeding?   The money was earned legitimately by a stripper over a 15 year period.  I'll be nice and not comment on the stupidity of transporting that much money in cash as opposed to a cashier's check or EFT.

 Snooki is telling a town in New Jersey to "get over itself".  She needs to get over herself.  She and her family can vacation anywhere they want.  The fact that this vacation is to be filmed for a reality show makes it the town's concern.  They have every right to say "leave the cameras and crew at home."

Why didn't I have this week in the pool on when Amanda Bynes would finally be locked in a rubber room?

Should that Massachusetts State police officer that released the photos of the Boston Marathon bomber be fired (no, he should be given a slap on the wrist so that rules are observed, but what he did is understandable)?

Why do the owners of dogs who lock their pets in cars on hot days even try to justify what they've done?

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This Date in History:

On this date in 1829, William Austin Burt patents the typographer, forerunner of the typewriter.
On this date in 1862, Lt. General Henry Halleck took command of the Union Army.
On this date in 1903, Ford Motor Company sold its first car.  (it needed to be repaired 3 hours later, leading to the acronym (Fix Or Repair Daily).
On this date in 1926, Fox Film buys the Movietone Sound System.
On this date in 1929, the Fascist government of Italy bans the use of foreign words.
On this date in 1940, the U.S. issues a declaration that it will not recognize the Soviet annexation of the Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
On this date in 1942, the extermination camp at Treblinka is opened.
On this date in 1961, the Sandinista National Liberation Front is established in Nicaragua.
On this date in 1967, the 12th Street Riots begin in Detroit.
On this date in 1968, the only successful hijacking of an El Al aircraft thus far takes place.
On this date in 1984, Vanessa Williams resigns as Miss America, due to nude photos of her appearing in Penthouse Magazine.
On this date in 1986, Prince Andrew marries Sarah Ferguson.
On this date in 1995, the comet Hale-Bopp is discovered.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Pope Clement XI
Raymond Chandler
Haile Selassie I
Arthur Treacher
Claude and Guy Fornier
Bert Convy
Don Drysdale
Ronny Cox
Don Imus
Edie McClurg
Annie Sprinkle
Woody Harrelson
Eriq La Salle
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Gary Payton
Charisma Carpenter
Alison Krauss
Marlon Wayons
Nomar Garciaparra
Judit Polgar
Daniel Radcliffe
Bibi Jones

Movie quotes today come from 1990's "Total Recall" because it's so superior to the recent remake, and because Ronny Cox makes a great villain in it:

Benny: [to Mary, the three-breasted hooker] Baby, you make me wish I had three hands.


Douglas Quaid: If I am not me, then who the hell am I?


Lori: Doug, honey... you wouldn't hurt me, would you, sweetheart? Sweetheart, be reasonable. After all, we're married!
[Lori goes for her gun, Quaid shoots her in the head, killing her]
Douglas Quaid: Consider that a divorce!