Monday, July 29, 2013

It's one of those good news/bad news Mondays

I have a long day ahead.  I'm supposed to work from 10 to 2 but I have to leave at one, due to having my third doctor's appointment of the day at 1:30.  They are scheduled for 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:40 p.m.  Depending on how long it takes to be seen, I may have to leave straight from the VA to go to Trivia.  If I'm lucky I can go home first and eat lunch around 4 in the afternoon before leaving for trivia.  At least dinner at trivia is free, paid for by prize "house cash" we won last time we were there.

I have one client scheduled and without going into details, it is going to be difficult (but not impossible) to give that client what they are looking for.  But I have "second look" returns to work on after I finish with that client, so I won't be bored.

The good news is that if two of the appointments go as expected, I'll be down to just two appointments a week for at least a month, and they are back-to-back early on Mondays.  Woo-hoo!

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Random Ponderings:

Did I just hear TMZ (it's playing in the background, waiting for the 4:30 a.m. news to start) use the Partridge Family song "Come On, Get Happy" as backdrop for a discussion of masturbation?

Is something going to be done to try to stem the spread of killer bees?  A swarm of them estimated in size at 30,000 attacked a couple in Texas out exercising their miniature horses.  The couple was stung 250 times between them and the horses were literally covered by the bees.  The horses did not survive.  Once the couple had made it inside their home, the bees were smashing themselves against the windows, trying to get at them.

Does it tarnish the fact someone "favorited" a Tweet you sent out when you discover that the Twitter account that took the action is actually a bot selling something (yes)?

The new Woody Allen movie, "Blue Jasmine" brought in over $100,000 per screen on six screens over the weekend.  Wonder how it will fare when it breaks wider.

No one names their daughter "Flossie" anymore.  So why do they still name tropical cyclones (which includes typhoons, hurricanes and tropical storms) Flossie?  Will the I storm this year be named Ichabod? (no, the selected name is actually Ingrid, but the N storm this year will be named Nestor).

In one of those "who wore it better" segments on Yahoo, the item in question was a pair of so-called "gladiator sandals" that rose to the knee.  A better question would be to ask if women are really lining up to pay $398 a pair for these monstrosities.

A study shows some millionaires don't consider themselves rich.  Seriously?  How many millions do they need before they consider themselves rich.  You don't have to be Larry Ellison who walks around with a $4.2 billion line of credit for impulse buying to be "rich", do you?

As the speculation swirls regarding a potential presidential run by Hilary Clinton in 2016, one question the pundits can't stop discussion is, will her statements about Benghazi come back to hurt her during the campaign (I say no, it will not matter to the voters she needs to attract).

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Colonel George "Bud" Day has died.  He was 88.  Day was a POW during the Vietnam War for over 5.5 years.  He was a recipient of both the Medal of Honor and the Air Force Cross, that service's two highest awards for valor on the field of battle.  Senator John McCain, who shared a cell in a POW camp with Colonel Day called him "...the bravest man I ever knew."  High praise indeed.

Colonel Day wasn't done fighting when he retired from the Air Force.  He practiced law and was a crusader for the rights of veterans.  His suit against the U.S. government that alleged that government had reneged on its promise to provide lifetime medical care for Korean and WWI veterans made it to the US Supreme Court but they refused to hear the case.  Though he lost that battle, he won the war as Congress soon passed legislation to include veterans who were over 65 with 20 years of service, or who were medically retired, in the military's TRICARE insurance program.

He was a real American hero.  RIP, sir.

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This Date In History:

On this date in 1565, the widowed Mary, Queen of Scots marries Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, Duke of Albany (sounds like she married several guys maybe?).
On this date in 1693, during the War of the Grand Alliance, French forces win a pyrrhic victory over the Allied forces in the Netherlands (just love the word pyrrhic).
On this date in 1863, the Arc de Triomphe is inaugurated in Paris.
On this date in 1858, the U.S. and Japan sign the Harris Treaty.
On this date in 1921, Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist Workers Party.
On this date in 1932, U.S. troops disperse the last remnants of the "Bonus Army" of World War I veterans.
On this date in 1948, after a hiatus of eight years, the Summer Olympic Games open in London.
On this date in 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the law that creates NASA.
On this date in 1959, Hawaii holds its first Congressional elections as a state.
On this date in 1967, there is a fire aboard the USS Forrestal, killing 134.
On this date in 1976, the Son of Sam killer makes his first attack.
On this date in 1981, a television audience of over 700 million people watch Prince Charles marry Lady Diana Spencer.
On this date in 1987, the agreement to build the "Chunnel" is signed.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Simon Dach
Alexis de Tocqueville
Benito Mussolini
Theda Bara
Dag Hammerskjold
Melvin Belli
"Captain" Lou Albano
Robert Fuller
Elizabeth Dole
Leslie Easterbrook
Ken Burns
Tim Gunn
Geddy Lee
Patti Scialfa
Martina McBride
Rodney Allen Rippy
Wil Wheaton
Stephen Dorff
Ryan "Roid" Braun
Allison Mack
Chad Billingsley

Movie quotes today come from the very funny "Police Academy", since today is the birthday of Leslie Easterbrook and she co-starred in that movie:

Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: Son, where did you get that gun?
Cadet Eugene Tackleberry: [smiling proudly] My mum gave it to me.


George Martin: To me, marriage is a sacred institution. So tell me, you and the wife do it doggie-style, or what?


Moses Hightower: I was a florist.
Carey Mahoney: A florist?
Moses Hightower: Yeah, you know, flowers and shit.


Cmndt. Eric Lassard: [Presenting a slide show just as a hooker begins to give him a blow job] Now this first SLIIIDE... shows a very, very interesting thing: our main building. On slide... TWO! We see other view... of... IT! Oh, my God, you wouldn't believe it!

That one is really better as a visual: