Monday, July 22, 2013

I hate Mondays like this one

Once again I'm getting a head start the night before I publish my daily blog.  I have a Monday that will leave me exhausted and grateful I can rest all day Tuesday.

Two appointments at the V.A., starting at 8:00.  Work from 10 to 2, although I plan to leave at 1:30 so I can have time to grab lunch.  We have no clients scheduled to come in but I have one fairly complex return I'm working on.  Then I have to be at the district office by 4 to observe a new instructor giving a demonstration lesson.  After that I can come home and collapse. 

Saw a movie today.  I don't enjoy writing negative reviews of movies.  I'm sure some think I revel in it, but that's not the case.  I'd like to see every movie be awesome, and succeed at the box office.  That's not realistic, but what I'd like to see if up to me.  I guess sometimes I put off doing the reviews that don't have a lot of good things to say about a film.  Funny thing is, I've got two film reviews to write and one of them is for a movie I liked a lot.  So why am I putting that one off?  Laziness?  Fatigue?  I guess I'll buckle down and get it done later tonight or maybe on Tuesday.  Did I mention I'm considering starting a society of procrastinators?  I'll get started on it later.

* * *

Apparently CNN has underdone another name change.  Today, given the royal birthing, they have become the (newborn) Child News Network.  Wolf Blizter's two hour daily news program is on, and it normally covers all of the day's news.  Today they are all baby, all the time.

It's a big event.  The third in line to the British throne was just born.  It's the first time in 120 years that there have been three heirs to the throne alive at the same time.  It isn't that big a deal that they should spend two straight hours covering it (the last hour was all baby as well).

* * *

Former L.A. mayor Richard Riordan was being interviewed as I was driving home today.  He was talking about how Los Angeles may not be next right away, but if something in the basic equation doesn't change; it will be following Detroit into bankruptcy.  The basis of his argument?  The city is paying out less than $300 million a year at present.  By 2017 that amount will rise to more than $1 billion annually.  The city is supposed to be making payments of several billion annually into the retirement plan for its employees annually in order to fund those future liabilities.  It hasn't made one of those payments in any of the last four years under Mayor "I party with Charlie Sheen".

You can postpone the pain but you can't eliminate it.  Unless of course you go bankrupt.  What union leaders don't realize is that their intransigence to negotiate on the pension issue and the healthcare issue now, will ultimately harm their members the most when the bill outstrips the city's ability to pay or borrow.

* * *

Random ponderings:

We hear all about military spending cuts and how austere things are getting, but how does that jibe with the Air Force offering experienced pilots a bonus of $225,000 to sign up for nine years as a fighter pilot?

Sticking with the Air Force, why is their demonstration team (the Thunderbirds) back in the air, while the Miramar Naval Air Station's air show will go on without the Navy's team (the Blue Hornets)?

How many more times will Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife Tish file for divorce and then reconcile before they give up?

If you've ever watched even a single episode of "Pawn Stars" would you trust Chumlee to be ring bearer at your wedding?  I wouldn't.

Had you forgotten all about Edward Snowden and his plight in seeking asylum until I mentioned his name again just now?

Why is it the media isn't covering one of the best trick Congress uses to hide the cost of tax breaks they give the wealthy and business (they make "temporary" changes to the tax code and then keep renewing them)?

Miley Cyrus says she thinks of herself as a "straight dude" or "straight man".  Why would she wear such a feminine dress when making that statement?

This Date in History:

On this date in 1587, a second group of English settlers arrives at Roanoke Island to re-establish the colony there that was mysteriously deserted.
On this date in 1793, Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Pacific, becoming the first man to complete a transcontinental crossing of Canada.
On this date in 1797, Rear-Admiral Horatio Nelson is wounded during the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and has to have part of his arm amputated.
On this date in 1933, Wiley Post becomes the first person to fly solo around the world.
On this date in 1976, Japan finishes paying war reparations to the Philippines for war crimes committed during World War II.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Emma Lazarus
James Whale
Rose Kennedy
Stephen Vincent Benet
Amy Vanderbilt
The Fabulous Moolah
Orson Bean (actor and father-in-law of Andrew Breitbart)
Oscar de la Renta
Louis Fletcher
Tom Robbins
Terrence Stamp
Alex Trebek
George Clinton
Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Bobby Sherman
Rick Davies
Sparky Lyle
Albert Brooks
Don Henley
S.E. Hinton
Lasse Viren
Lonette McKee
Willem Dafoe
John Leguizamo
David Spade
Rhys Ifans
Keyshawn Johnson
Selena Gomez

Movie quotes today come from the underrated 2000 film "The Replacements" because Rhys Ifans is in it:

Shane Falco: I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn't be our style.
[pause while everybody is in the huddle]
Shane Falco: Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever.


Jimmy McGinty: You know what seperates the winners from the losers?
Shane Falco: The score.
Jimmy McGinty: No, getting back on the horse after getting kicked in the teeth.
(personally, I like Falco's answer)


John Madden: I love to see a fat guy score.
Pat Summerall: Why?
John Madden: Because first you get a fat guy spike, then you get the fat guy dance.

Heather: Is lap dancing a style?