Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Six P's of Success

We had an axiom in the military (actually we had a lot of them, but one particular one is on my mind) that said:


Since I joined this program the VA has for those of us veterans who need to lose more than just a few pounds, I've sat down every Sunday night to plan out my week.  By knowing where I'll be I can know what my eating choices are, and can plan accordingly.  So far it is working like clockwork.  I'm losing a pound a week, which is my goal.  That's weight loss that doesn't involve temporary water-weight.  Weight loss that I can sustain.

On Fridays I like to go and play Buzztime trivia with my friends.  It is a game played in bars or restaurants by using "playmakers", which are devices that allow the players to answer questions that are displayed on a television screen.  Friday nights they have a "premium" game that is focused on entertainment.

We don't always play at the same location.  Last week I kind of blew my plan for that night and ate more than I had planned to.  It didn't kill my week because I kept focused the rest of the time.  I just didn't want to make the same mistake today. 

The plan was to order a grilled chicken salad if playing at a particular location.  Before my last hospitalization I usually ordered a burger and fries, and/or popcorn shrimp at this place.  All of these are things I love to eat and that are definitely not the best choices.  On the drive there, I wanted popcorn shrimp.  I tried to rationalize that I've been so good the past few days I have "earned" an order of popcorn shrimp.  When the server came I think I was still mulling it over in my mind.

Except that without a moment's hesitation I ordered the grilled chicken salad.  Was this a victory of sorts?  I don't think it was a major victory, but it was definitely a minor skirmish win in a war that I will be fighting for the rest of my life.  There will be times I will choose to order popcorn shrimp and maybe even a burger and fries.  I just need to make those times much, much fewer in frequency.  That will be the major victory.

* * *

I read that Helen Thomas has died, at the age of 92.  She was one of my favorite journalists.  She covered the White House beat for 50 years with only a two month interruption.  She resigned from United Press International after it was acquired by a company controlled by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.  I don't blame her. 

She was blunt.  She was controversial.  But she also called them as she saw them.  President Obama honored her when he called on her during his first news conference as president by saying "Helen.  I'm excited.  This is my inaugural moment."  Thomas, a very vocal critic of President George W. Bush Jr.; a woman who had said the day that Dick Cheney ran for president she'd kill herself, was expected to have a much nicer attitude towards President Obama.

It wasn't to be.  She asked a hard-hitting question, which he declined to speculate on.  In July of 2009 she criticized the Obama administration for how firmly it controlled the press. She said "...we have had some control but not this control. I mean I'm amazed, I'm amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency and you have controlled..."  She also said that not even Richard Nixon had tried to exert as much control over the press as the Obama Administration was exercising.

She retired in 2010.  Now she's gone.  RIP Helen.  You were the real deal.

* * *

The problem in Florida isn't juries, or judges.  The problem is the laws.  Laws passed by the Florida Legislature and signed by the various governors that have occupied that office.  As the self-defense law and the "stand your ground" statute are written, the jury verdict in the Trayvon Martin case was inevitable.  As the minimum sentencing standards for any case where a person fires a gun during what is defined as an "aggravated assault" are written; the judge had no choice in sentencing Marissa Alexander.

She's the woman who was handed a 20 year sentence for firing a 'warning shot' in a confrontation with her husband.  Now some will take issue with the fact that she left the scene of the argument, got a handgun and then returned to again confront her husband.  She had an order of protection against him, some argue that once she left the scene she should have called the cops and had them intervene.

I'm not going to get into what she should have done.  But firing a warning shot (which should be illegal) does not warrant a sentence of 20 years in prison.

The people of Florida need to hold their elected leaders responsible for such ridiculous differences in laws.  The laws should be overhauled.  And Marissa Alexander should have her sentence commuted by the Governor.

* * *

This Date in History:

On this date in 1592, Japanese forces capture Pyongyang, the capital of Korea.  King Seonjo asks the Ming Dynasty for help and the city is re-taken about a year later.
On this date in 1903, Ford ships its first car.
On this date in 1932, police fire tear gas on WWI veterans who are trying to march to the White House.
On this date in 1938, the U.S. files suit against the motion picture industry, alleging violations of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
On this date in 1940, Denmark leaves the League of Nations
On this date in 1940, California's first freeway is opened.  There was a sigalert due to traffic four minutes later.
On this date in 1944, German colonel and war hero Claus von Stauffenberg tries to assassinate Adolph Hitler and stage a coup d'état.  Hitler survives.  If you want to know more, rent the Tom Cruise flick.
On this date in 1951, King Abdullah I of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian.
On this date in 1960, a Polaris missile is launched successfully from a submarine for the first time.
On this date in 1969, man lands on the Moon for the first time.  The first "moon walk" takes place seven hours after landing.
On this date in 1977, documents are released by the CIA confirming they had engaged in mind control experiments.
On this date in 1980, the UN Security Council votes 14-0 to NOT recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Alexander the Great
Sir Edmund Hillary
Elliot Richardson
Thomas Berger
Mike Ilitch (co-founder of Little Caesars)
Chuck Daly
Cormac McCarthy
Barbara Mikulski
Diana Rigg
Natalie Wood
Kim Carnes
Muse Watson
Donna Dixon
Jimmy Carson
Sandra Oh
Roberto Orci
Ray Allen
Gisele Bundchen
John Francis Daley
Julianne Hough

Today's movie quotes come from the very funny 2005 film "Waiting" in which John Francis Daley had a small but significant role:

Serena: [talking to Monty] So... you know how when you're walking by a group of people, and you hear them laughing, you sometimes get that paranod, self- conscious feeling that maybe they're laughing about you, when they're really not? Well in your case, they really are.
[blows kiss exasperatedly]


Monty: So, what do you think of Natasha?
Dean: I think she's illegal.
Monty: Yeah, I've made peace with that. Seriously, look at her. You know she has that Scooby-Doo tongue.
Dean: [imitating Scooby-Doo] Ratutory rape.


Serena: Have you talked to him about it?
Amy: No, I'm playing hard to get.
Serena: Oh, but haven't you slept with him like the past five nights?
Amy: Well, not *real* hard to get.

#4 (my favorite)

Dan: Ma'am, I don't doubt the steak was over-cooked, but did you have to eat it all before you complained about it?