Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sarin Gas Used by Syria

A "senior White House official" is telling journalists that Syria has used sarin gas against the rebels and that more than 150 people have died as a result.  This means that the Syrian government has crossed President Obama's "red line" and the U.S. will undoubtedly intervene in some way.  To learn more about sarin gas, go to:

There was an explosion at a chemical plant in Louisiana today.  At least one person is dead and another is missing and presumed dead.

Four people are dead in a shooting this afternoon at a St. Louis office building.

It turns out that former Dodgers owner Frank McCourt's deal to sell the team to current ownership includes an option to buy back part or all of the Chavez Ravine land, if another sports stadium is constructed there.  That makes the chances of an NFL stadium being built there highly unlikely.

Hackers have penetrated security at Chase, Citibank and other banks as part of a plot to steal at least $15 million.

The immigration reform bill being discussed in the U.S. Senate contains provisions that would prevent those seeking legal status from receiving federal benefits while they are attempting to gain that status.  Now CA Senator Barbara Boxer is pushing to fund the cost of healthcare for this group during the legalization process.

A parking space in San Francisco just sold for $82,000.  The space is in a condo parking building near AT&T Park.

According to The Inquisitr, Garth Brooks is going to perform at a "releif concert" for the victims of the Oklahoma City tornado.

Some residents of Alexandria, VA aren't happy that a new sushi restaurant in the area has a "no children" policy.

Was the elderly woman who picked up the $2,600 tab for all 200 patrons in a Florida restaurant the recent Powerball jackpot winner?  The woman denied it, but that's what people are speculating.  We do know that Gloria Mackenzie, 84, still shops at WalMart, even after depositing over $272 million in the bank after taxes.

A case argued last fall before the U.S. Supreme Court is still awaiting a ruling that this puzzles many who watch the court closely.  The case involves affirmative action and the University of Texas, and may result in affirmative action programs being found to be unconstitutional.

George Takei is dismissing the issue as "hoo-ha", but some are not pleased to discover that others are apparently ghost-writing the funny things he posts on his Facebook page.

A man who overheard someone calling 911 to report that a 5 month old baby wasn't breathing stepped in and used a turkey baster to save the child's life.

A recent article on things not to say in the workplace seems to indicate one shouldn't say "with all due respect". 

The Diocese of San Diego is not going to endear itself to women, particularly those who are advocates for the victims of domestic violence with this move.  It has told teacher Carie Charlesworth that because her ex-husband might pose a risk (even though he is currently incarcerated), she has been fired from her position at Holy Trinity School, and will not be hired by any other school run by the diocese.

Melissa McCarthy has broken her silence on the extraordinarily rude comments about her made by film critic Rex Reed, but she took the high road in her response.  Good for her!