Thursday, June 06, 2013

An open note to a neighbor

Oh, I didn't write this one.  If I have an issue with a neighbor I don't leave notes.  Unless of course it is some idiot who parked so close to my car that I couldn't open the driver's side door.  Then I'll leave a note alright.

This particular note to a neighbor I read on the net and my jaw dropped.  See for yourself:

In case you didn't want to click the link, here is the text of a note that Bobbi Kristina Brown left on a neighbor's door.  The neighbor reportedly made ten noise complaints about Brown and her boyfriend that ultimately led to their eviction from the building.  Or so some media sources are claiming.  Brown is denying that she was evicted.  Here's that note:

You are shit at the bottom of our shoe.
Thank You for making a hard year harder.
You are a miserable couple and always will be.
You were honored to have us living above you and you couldn't stand such a young beautiful couple far more successful than you ever will be.  I pray your misery doesn't rub off on your innocent little baby.

You never fully get over the loss of a parent.  But it's been more than a year since the tragic death of Whitney Houston.  Plus, a death in the family isn't carte blanche to make noise and disturb your neighbors incessantly.  Or at all. 

Successful?  She claims to be an actress, and she does have a credit.  One.  One episode on a TV series that is moving from TBS to OWN.  That's not a harbinger of success.  She claims to be a musician.  She has no recordings I'm aware of, and I can't find where she's scheduled to perform or record anything.  Maybe it's being done in secret.  But as far as I can determine, the only thing she's been successful at so far in life is being born to wealthy parents.  Oh, apparently she's got some skill at drinking alcohol.  I imagine that the couple who were forced to live below her would be considered far more successful than she, by the majority of us.  For one thing, I'll bet at least one of them is (or was) employed for wages.

While I'm ranting about the problems of the entitled children of stars, let me comment on the supposed suicide attempt of Paris Jackson.  The story is being told that she threw a hissy fit after being told she could not go to a Marilyn Manson concert as she wanted to.  She's 15 years old.  When you're 15, even if you are the daughter of the man called the King of Pop and going to be the first child to reach adulthood and get your hands on tens of millions of dollars, you're still a 15 year old.  Your guardian gets to say "no".  If I had a 15 year old, the only way he or she would go to a Marilyn Manson concert would be if I went along to chaperon them and whoever else was going.  And since I have no intention of ever seeing Marilyn Manson in concert, that wouldn't happen.  Okay, okay, if the kid really wanted it, and it wasn't a school night, maybe.  But if I decided to say no, that's it.

I'm a firm believer that you have to listen to someone.  Let them present their argument.  Let them question the decision in a logical, rational manner.  But once you decide, that's it.  No more questioning, no getting all pissy and holding your breath until you turn blue. 

The entitled children of the wealthy and famous.  Funny how those kids I know from such backgrounds, the ones whose parents actually did the parenting thing don't have such problems.  They've gone out into the world and done very well for themselves.  Without leaving invective-filled notes on their neighbors doors. 

* * *

I've found a new weapon in my never-ending battle against fatty food, sodium-laden foods and drinking too much fluid.  It has worked every single time I've used it thus far.  Every morning, the dining room here serves me scrambled eggs.  I don't mind the monotony.  I like my eggs scrambled.  Other than the occasional omelet with "stuff" I like in it, I am happy to have eggs every morning.  But I love to put salt on them.  They taste so much better with salt than without.  However, since I left the hospital, I haven't salted even one bite of my eggs.  Every morning when the plate arrives, I look at the salt shaker.  Then I think about how much I hated having to spend three days in the hospital.  And I ignore the salt shaker for the rest of the meal.  It's a great weapon, but it only works when I remember to use it.

* * *

I will have something to say about the breaking story of massive monitoring of phone records by the government, but later today or tonight. 

This Date in History:

On this date in 1586, forces under the command of Francis Drake raid St. Augustine in Spanish Florida.
On this date in 1752, fire destroys roughly 1/3rd of Moscow.  18,000 homes were lost.
On this date in 1833, President Andrew Jackson becomes the first U.S. President to ride on a train.
On this date in 1844, the YMCA is founded in London.
On this date in 1882, over 100,000 are killed in Bombay as a typhoon sends massive waves into the city's harbor.
On this date in 1889, the city of Seattle's downtown is almost completely destroyed.
On this date in 1892, the Chicago 'L' begins operation.
On this date in 1933, the first drive-in theater in the U.S., opens in New Jersey.
On this date in 1942, U.S. Navy aircraft sink four Japanese aircraft carriers and a cruiser in the Battle of Midway.  It was a tremendous victory.
On this date in 1946, the NBA was created, with 11 teams. 
On this date in 1984, Tetris is released.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Nathan Hale
Alexander Pushkin
David T. Abercrombie
Thomas Mann
Donald F. Duncan, Sr. (he was a bit of a yo-yo)
Kirk Kerkorian
Eli Broad
Gary U.S. Bonds
Eddie Giacomin
Levi Stubbs (amazing voice)
Alexander Cockburn
David Dukes (not to be confused with David Duke)
Robert Englund
Harvey Fierstein
Sandra Bernhard
Jimmy Jam (oo ee oo ee oo)
Paul Giamatti (an underrated talent)
Uncle Kracker

Movie Quote of the day comes from "Sideways":

Jack: Did you drink and dial?


Jack: If they want to drink Merlot, we're drinking Merlot.
Miles Raymond: No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any fucking Merlot!


Miles Raymond: She tell you she was married?
Jack: Yeah.
Miles Raymond: So what the fuck were you thinking?
Jack: Wasn't supposed to be back 'til six. Fucker rolls in at five.