Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Dim Sum doesn't add up in L.A. today

The Empress Pavilion, a 600 seat dim sum restaurant in Chinatown's Bamboo Plaza has closed.  The owners of the restaurant were evicted by the building's owner for failure to pay the rent.  It's a sad day.

I guess it isn't surprising that the lead story on almost every local newscast today has been the purported attempt at suicide by Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson's only daughter.  It must be serious, none of the Jackson family were in court today for the AEG trial.

The winner of the $590 million Powerball jackpot has stepped forward and she opted for the single payment option.  That means she will get one payment of $370 million before taxes, rather than 30 annual payments that would have totalled the full $590 million.  Since she is 84, I agree with her logic in making that choice.  On a more serious note, given the net present value of $370 million versus the value of that amount doled out over 30 years, anyone who won the jackpot should have chosen the single payment option.

39 year old Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales told a military judge that he "intended to kill" when he went into a village in Afghanistan and slaughtered 16 civilians.  He pled guilty in a move that is designed to spare him from the death penalty.

It is probably a good thing for President Obama that his appointment of Susan Rice as his National Security Advisor does not require a confirmation hearing or vote in the U.S. Senate.  Rice, who is currently the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations has been harshly criticized by Republicans over her handling of the incident in Benghazi, Libya where four Americans died.  Tom Donilon, current National Security Advisor is stepping down.  President Obama named Samanta Power, a long-time advisor to replace Rice.

A building collapse in downtown Philadelphia left at least two people trapped under "tons of rubble", while a dozen escaped with relatively minor injuries.  Emergency services personnel have located the two and are making every effort to free them.

A federal judge ordered HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebilius to do what she'd just said she wouldn't do the day before.  Intervene in the organ donor process so that a 10 year old who is dying of cystic fibrosis can go on the adult lung donor list.  The order means that the little girl will be on the list for the next 10 days.  A hearing on extending the order will be held on June 14.

Sometimes posing for a photo can be bad for your employment situation.  The Taco Bell employee who is licking a stack of taco shells in a now famous image has been fired.  Turns out the photo was taken as part of a contest, but violated the rules of the contest.

An 18 year old Minneapolis cheerleader was arrested for "pimping out" a younger cheerleader.

Shadrack McGill is an Alabama state senator and his wife has made it clear to other women propositioning her husband on Facebook need to stop doing it.  She wrote a warning to these women:  "Next time everyone will know who you are!!  For I will publicly share your name before we unfriend you."

There's another performance-enhancing-drug scandal in Major League Baseball and A-Rod (I prefer to call him Pay-Rod) is among the 20 players facing long-term suspensions.

If Katie Couric hears you calling her "perky" don't be surprised if she doesn't smile at you.  Being called that turns out to be one of her pet peeves.

Keith Olberman is coming back to TV but not in a political way.  He will be doing in-studio anchoring for baseball on TBS.

A news crew in Rhode Island was attacked by a woman when they tried to ask her how she felt about news that a teen had turned himself in for a shooting in which the woman's daughter had been wounded.  She threw a rock at the cameraman and then ordered her two dogs to attack the reporter (who was bitten).

Just in case you care, D.J. and Kimmie Gibbler are going to be at the New Kids on the Block concert at Staples Center, in the audience.  I'm of course referring to the actresses who played those roles on "Full House", who have been real-life friends for a quarter century.

Retired NBA legend Karl Malone didn't put Michael Jordan among his all-time starting five lineup?  It's alright.  He left Magic out as well.  Okay, but Scottie Pippen as the all-time small forward?  Seriously?

You may chuckle at this.  I did.  A soccer goalie was making a routine play to kick the ball downfield when this happened:

Did Jay Leno really compare Owen Wilson and his brother Luke Wilson to aged winemakers Bartles and Jaymes?  Yes he did, when the duo made their first appearance in 1996 on "The Tonight Show".

Why are some employers refusing to hire smokers?  It might have something to do with a recent study that shows the firms lost $5,800 per year in increased absenteeism, time lost to smoke breaks and higher health care insurance costs.