Monday, May 27, 2013

The headlines on Memorial Day

Senator Daniel Inoyue was a Democrat who represented Hawaii in the U.S. Senate.  He died last December after spending nearly 50 years as a Senator.  Beginning in 1987, he would annually introduce a measure into the Senate, moving the Memorial Day holiday back to its traditional date.  This will be the first year in over a quarter-century that this measure will not be introduced, by him.  Some feel the holiday loses some of its meaning by making it a holiday weekend.

Last night HBO premiered "Behind the Candelabra" a movie about Liberace's life.  Today the L.A. Times ran an article about the entertainer's five performances at the Hollywood Bowl.  Oh, and Memorable Entertainment TV also remembered the entertainer this weekend, running his guest-star episodes on TV's "Batman" Saturday night.

Also in the Times today is an editorial calling on the military and society to do something about the rise in suicide among military personnel and veterans.  A report shows that an average of 22 veterans committed suicide each day in 2010.

How did Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone celebrate his 90th birthday today?  It may have involved counting his money.  In the last six months, his net worth has risen by almost $1 billion.

A survey in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine shows that patients who had a voice in the choices made in their treatment end up paying higher bills. 

L.A.'s mayor-elect Eric Garcetti says he has no problem if the voters of California decided to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

Amanda Bynes now says she's suing everyone involved in her arrest and plans to "get into shape and become a rapper".  She's also claiming to be allergic to drugs and alcohol.  She certainly seems to ingest a lot of stuff she's allergic to.  Perhaps her anaphylactic reaction to these substances is to lose large amounts of brain cells.

In what is certain to do nothing but enflame its members, a Turkish government official said that Hezbollah (which means Party of God) should change its name to Party of Satan.

In Australia, a nurse pled guilty to murdering 11 elderly residents of a nursing home by setting fire to it.

The mayor of Osaka, Japan has apologized for suggesting that U.S. military personnel in his country should use the adult entertainment industry more frequently to relieve sexual frustration and aggression; but he did not back down from comments he made, justifying the Japanese military's use of forced prostitution during WWII.

Will Chris Brown go to jail because he wouldn't cooperate with the drivers of other cars his car struck in an accident?  Reports are that he left without disclosing his proper driver license and insurance information, which might create a "hit and run" situation.  Since he's on probation, if he's charged with hit and run, that would be a probation violation. 

Forbes Magazine listed "hot dog vendor" as one of a number of odd jobs that provide surprisingly good annual earnings, saying the top vendors earn over $100,000.

Lena Dunham is taking flak for a Tweet she sent out mentioning both Memorial Day and peeing.  A word of advice to those who have a real problem with this.  If you don't like what someone says, don't follow them on Twitter.  It really isn't that hard.

Major kudos to Robert Griffin III and his fiancee for sending a handwritten thank you note to at least one pair of Washington Redskin fans who sent the couple a wedding gift, even though they weren't invited to the wedding.