Saturday, May 04, 2013

Saturday's eye-catching headlines

Harper Lee, Pulitizer Prize winning author of "To Kill a Mockingbird" is suing her literary agent, claiming he took advantage of her physical infirmities and advanced age to get her to sign a contract transferring the literary rights to her novel to that agent.

Governor Moonbeam has unveiled a plan to ease prison overcrowding by releasing some inmates early, moving others to county jails and sending some to fire camps.  But he doesn't support his own plan and it won't result in the state complying with a court's order to reduce the state's inmate population by 9,000.

The proposal to move the northernmost runway at LAX closer to the homes in Westchester and Playa del Rey is being discussed at a town hall meeting. 

100 students at a Kansas school have been suspended for a senior prank where they went swimming in the school's pool.

In Tuscon, workers are trying to save and relocate 50,000 killer bees in a hive where 12 people have been stung, two of them having to be hospitalized with multiple stings.

Donald Trump revealed that Jon Stewart's birth name is Jonathan Stuart Leibovitz and postulated that he might be ashamed of his heritage.  Stewart responded by "revealing" that Trump's birth name is actually F**kface van Clownstick and now the Donald is hopping mad.  Donald, don't go away mad.  Just go away and stay away.

In Iowa, a dog was attacking a man's wife and he solved the problem uniquely.  He bit the dog.

Do more than 37 million people really follow Justin Bieber on Twitter?  Not according to social media researchers who say that more than half of his followers are "fake", mostly computer generated 'bots'.

More than a year after headlines saying "man shoots girlfriend, mistakes her for a hog" went viral, the couple is still together and happy.  She could have died from her injuries, but she survived.

Miley Cyrus is #1 on the Maxim Magazine's list of 100 Hot women.  According to Miley.  The magazine has made no announcement yet.

Turkey's national airline has issued new rules that prohibit female flight attendants from wearing red lipstick or nail polish, saying that using make-up in "pastel tones" improve communications with passengers.  No word yet on whether or not the ban applies to male flight attendants.

Lil Wayne has lost his lucrative endorsement deal with Pepsi.  Something to do with an offensive lyric in one of his songs.  Wow, a corporate sponsor signs up a rapper and doesn't imagine he or she will someday put out a song with an offensive lyric??

Captain Colin Dartch was taken hostage by Somali pirates.  He was to speak at the Women's Institute about his ordeal and the book he wrote about it, and the women surprised him by showing up dressed as pirates.

Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller had twins when they were together and now those twins are in the custody of....Denise Richards, one of his other ex-wives (yes, Sheen has been married three times we know of)??  DCFS officials took the kids away from Mueller after they determined her home wasn't safe due to her drug use.

Kobe Bryant says that the feud with his mother is over money, that he offered to buy her and his father a nice home in Vegas (but for less than the $1.5 million level of home they wanted), but she is holding out for more.  Turn off the spigot once and for all, Kobe.