Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Mid-week/Hump Day eye-catching headlines

There were three more arrests on Wednesday in Boston, connected to the marathon bombings.   Three friends of the surviving bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were taken into custody by the FBI and face charges involving obstruction of justice and making false statements to investigators.  The trio is not believed to have been involved in the actual bombing, but in trying to conceal Tsarnaev's involvement after the fact.

Jason Collins will be interviewed by Oprah. 

Remember those two hikers who were the object of a massive search in Orange County recently, with the girl being found in the "nick of time"?  Well, the male half of the pair has been charged with possession of meth.  OC Sheriff's deputies found nearly 1/2 gram of meth when they searched his car as part of the effort to find the lost due.

Deanna Durbin has died.  The actress, a star during the 1930s and 40s, retired from acting in 1949.  She maintained a very low profile, refusing numerous offers to act again and rejecting almost every request for an interview.

In San Jose, a chemist will be charged with "felony poisoning" after she was caught putting two orange juice bottles that she had added rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover to at a Starbucks.  Police have said nothing about a possible motive.

Sarah Jessica Parker doesn't own a........cell phone.  Seriously.

A family in Lexington, KY is mourning the loss of one of their dogs after animal control officials mistakenly euthanized the pet.  "Peanut" had wandered off after following the family's daughter to a friend's house.  Animal control is supposed to hold pets for five days before euthanizing, but an error was made in this instance.  The employee who messed up no longer works there.

Former GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan has had a change of heart.  He was opposed to allowing gays to adopt and has flip-flopped his position on the issue.

No junk-food backstage.  A new toilet seat at each venue.  Red toilet paper.  $900 worth of titanium drinking straws for water that must be served at exactly 21 degrees.  Concert crew clothing must be made of 100% cotton.  Those are just some of the diva-like demands contained in the contract rider for Beyonce's current tour.

Former President Bill Clinton likes a really bad comedy film from 2007.  He was dining with "Hangover" director Todd Phillips when he mentioned liking "Who's Your Caddy".

As the date draws near for the LA. mayoral election, DWP employees, through their union, have poured nearly $1.5 million into the effort to elect Wendy Gruel.  DWP employees earn, on average, 50% more than other city employees.

A former hooker has prevailed in a court battle over the estate of the wealthy man who fathered her two children.  The judge ordered the man's estate to pay the daughters $1.800 each, monthly.  Still to be decided is whether or not the two kids will get an equal share of the full estate, with the man's older daughters.