Thursday, April 18, 2013

Headlines that caught my eye on Thursday

At this hour, the LAPD bomb squad is searching the campus of Cal State Los Angeles, after a bomb threat was phoned into the university.  As a precaution, the campus was evacuated.

The death toll from the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West, Texas is now estimated to be at least 30.

The FBI has released photos of the two suspects in the Boston marathon bombing.

Borrowers who were victimized by foreclosure abuses finally got checks from the big billion-dollar settlement and rushed to the bank to cash them.  And watched them bounce, because the company hired to disburse the settlement funds screwed up.

The man accused of sending ricin in a letter to Senator Wicker of MS once entertained as an Elvis impersonator at a wedding that the Senator had hired him to appear at.

The new Pope is already tightening the belt of the Catholic Church, not approving the bonuses that are normally paid to Vatican employees when a new pontiff is selected.

A New Jersey woman of Korean descent is suing pharmacy chain CVS for discrimination, after she was referred to as “Ching Chong Lee” on a photo receipt.

Actor Eddie Kaye Thomas, best known for playing “Finch” in the American Pie films, had to call police after a female guest barricaded herself inside his home.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio in AZ is trying to make headlines again, by saying his office will no longer open its mail because someone sent him an explosive device.  Given the long list of people he’s managed to offend with his controversial political positions; who knows where the package came from.

Orlando, FL will be home to the WWE’s new training center, opening this summer.  Orlando is also in the running to host Wrestlemania in 2015.

For one man, this has been a really rough week.  Joe Berti was in Boston on Monday and had just finished the marathon when the bombs exploded.  Then he was in Texas on Wednesday, driving home when he saw a plume of smoke and then felt the explosion at West, Texas. 

Brittney Griner is the #! WNBA draft choice.  She’s considered to be the best female player coming out of the college ranks this year.  She’s so talented, Mark Cuban who owns the Dallas Mavericks, says he might draft her to play in the NBA.  Now she’s also come out and announced that she is gay. Imagine if the NBA’s #1 draft choice had come out and announced that he’s gay.

Another black eye for the California High Speed Rail Authority, as news reports are out that claim they changed the bidding rules mid-way through the process of reviewing bids for the project’s first construction phase.

John Cusack in negotiations to play Beach Boy Brian Wilson in a film?  Seriously?

From the “image I need to get out of my head” file:  Someone snapped a photo of New Jersey’s “tanning mom” sunbathing topless on the beach.