Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday's Headlines that caught my eye

At this hour, there are reports that police in Boston have a “clear image” of a potential suspect in the marathon bombing.

Envelopes containing ricin were sent to other government officials beside the Republican Senator from MS, including President Obama.  I wonder if the sender realizes that the President doesn’t open his own mail.

The wife of a former Justice of the Peace has been arrested in connection with the murders of a county DA, his wife, and another prosecutor in Texas.

L.A. County now has a law on the books requiring that condoms be used in porn shoots.  It also has a steep decrease in the number of requests for permits to film porn.  Only two requests have been received in 2013, and the annual number is usually around 500.  That industry has relocated.  I’ve been told personally by someone who used to work editing porn films that their former employer shut down operations as soon as the ballot proposition passed.

Rodney Allen Rippy ran for mayor of Compton, and managed to get only 75 votes.  If the name isn’t familiar, look at this:

24 IRS current and former employees have been accused of stealing nearly $250,000 in government benefits.  Hope you look good behind bars, folks.

McDonald’s has settled a lawsuit with the Michigan Muslim community for $700,000 involving chicken they sold that wasn’t compliant with Sharia law, even though it was sold as though it was.

Richard LeParmentier has died at the age of 66.  If you don’t recognize the name, look at this: Yes, that’s him being “force-choked”.

Dodgers outfielder Carl Crawford will probably be fined by Major League Baseball for wearing “non-uniform” shoes on Monday, to honor the late Jackie Robinson.

The co-creator of the TV series “Friends”, Marta Kaufman, has debunked rumors of a reunion program.

Stevie Nicks has gone on the record saying that Reese Witherspoon is “too old” to play her in a biopic.  Uh Stevie, she may be too good looking, but she isn’t too old to play you on screen.

In Brooklyn, a white teacher allegedly referred to a young African-American girl as a “monkey” and community activists are calling for the teacher to lose her job.

President Obama has effectively said “I’m not Jay-Z’s travel agent”.

The moron who “crashed” the stage at the Grammy awards show, may spend six months in jail.

Tesco, the British-based parent company of the Fresh and Easy grocery chain has stated it will exit the U.S. after costing the firm billions of dollars.

Two large theater chains, AMC and Regal may stop selling advance tickets for “Iron Man 3” as a dispute over the demands from Disney for a larger than normal share of revenue remains unresolved.

Interns at Wall Street firms are not the highest paid interns out there.  Tech and oil companies are the best paying employers for interns.