Saturday, January 05, 2013

There are moments...

when it is best to speak what is on your mind, and moments when best to keep your thoughts to yourself.  I encountered one of those moments today, where I had to decide whether to speak or remain silent.  I chose silence.

In a group setting we were discussing Yelp reviews.  One review in particular became the item of discussion.  It was a very unfavorable review of a business and as the leader of the group talked about how they might deal with it in the future, in terms of trying to get it taken down; I had to see this review for myself.

So I whipped out the trusty iPhone and found it.  I almost raised my hand to say I'd found it and to read it aloud so the rest of the group could know what the leader was talking about.  But I hesitated for a moment.  I re-read the review and realized the person who was being accused of doing a horrible job for the reviewer was in the group.  I couldn't read the review and identify the name and I couldn't embarrass that person that way.

They may or may not be aware that how they treated someone was the subject of a scathing review but it isn't my place to raise that review in front of others.  Perhaps that person's boss needs to but I don't.

Another fine example of the aphorism, act in haste and repent in leisure.  Fortunately I wasn't hasty so I have nothing to repent.