Thursday, January 03, 2013

Maury Povich.  Jerry Springer.  Steve Wilkos...

And many more television shows where people confess secrets to other people.  When will those wanting to confess get the message that it is probably not going to go well.

The latest evidence is on the new show "Mobbed", where a woman confessed her feelings for a co-worker and wanted to know if he felt the same.  If so, she was offering to go on a 'date'.  But he only wants to be friends.  Who couldn't predict that in advance?  If you have something of a secret you want to confess to someone, in front of tens of thousands of people watching you on TV is the worst possible place to do it.  Unless of course, you're afraid their response will be to kill you.  Then it's a good place because there will be lots and lots of witnesses.

So the movie theater in Aurora, CO is going to re-open and someone who will probably be fired over this decided it would be a good idea to invite the families of the victims to the re-opening.  "Here, let me bring you back to the scene of the tragedy that shattered your family, but it will be alright because you'll get to see a movie for free and we'll provide popcorn and a cold drink.

The cluelessness of news people sometimes amazes me and other times I just roll my eyes.  Today was somewhere inbetween as the news was talking about a YouTube video someone has posted that is a mash-up of movie/TV violence between shots of celebrities calling for an end to the violence.  So how are these journalists showing off their cluelessness?  They're making sure to mention this video was posted by someone named "Mike Hunt".  Yes folks, that classic name teens use to call a business with a public address system and have them paged.  "Telephone call for Mike Hunt.  Mike Hunt has a phone call.  Anyone seen Mike Hunt?"  Now it's not as effective when a man is doing the paging but still.

Here's another example of how journalists and news organizations don't pay attention to details like they once did.  From the L.A. Times website this morning:  "LAPD car hit be semi-truck downtown; no injuries reported"

I'm really worn out from all the hours at the VA yesterday and from playing trivia last night.  Trivia was a worthwhile journey though, as we won!!  The upshot is that aside from running one must-do errand today I plan to spend today relaxing.  I need the rest.

Things I'm pondering this morning:

Do businesses with 'clever' names realize that what was one clever may not be as clever with the passage of time?  I drove by the Age of Aquariums last night and I'm sure many of the passersby have never heard of the musical "Hair".  There's a sandwich shop in Playa del Rey known as "Hogan's Heroes" or something like that and its been a long time since that show was being shown in syndication.

On the other hand, clever slogans like Culver City Meat Company's "You Can't Beat Our Meat" that are timeless are also brilliant.

The newly elected members of Congress take their oath of office today.  How long before they accept their first lobbying money in return for a vote on an issue that isn't how they would have otherwise voted?  Want to get rich?  Run for Congress.

How the hell does the state of Kansas get to a position that a sperm donor has to pay child support solely because he didn't donate his sperm through a licensed physician?  Makes one think back to a scene in "Legally Blonde".  They're arguing the issue of sperm donors and parental rights and Elle Woods makes the point that when a guy is a frequent sperm donor, all masturbatory emissions should be considered reckless abandonment.  That makes about as much sense as the position of Kansas on this issue does.

On this date in history:

On this date in 1431, Joan of Arc is turned over to Bishop Pierre Cauchon
On this date in 1496, Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tests a flying machine.
On this date in 1521, Martin Luther is excommunicated by the Pope.
On this date in 1749, the first issue of Denmark's longest continuously operating newspaper is published.
On this date in 1823, Steven F. Austin receives a land grant from Mexico in Texas.
On this date in 1848, Joseph Jenkins Roberts is sworn in as first President of Liberia.
On this date in 1870, construction on the Brooklyn Bridge starts.
On this date in 1925, Mussolini seizes dictatorial power in Italy.
On this date in 1938, FDR establishes the March of Dimes.
On this date in 1944, Greg "Pappy" Boyington is shot down.
On this date in 1945, Admiral Chester Nimitz is placed in command of all U.S. Naval forces for the planned invasions of Okinawa and Japan.
On this date in 1953, Frances P. Bolton and her son Oliver become the first mother and son to serve simultaneously in the U.S. Congress.
On this date in 1959, Alaska is admitted as the 49th state.
On this date in 1962, Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro.
On this date in 1977, Apple Inc. is incorporated.

And today is the birthday of a legend of the WWE, Jim Ross, announcer extraordinaire.  He is 61 years young today.  Happy birthday, Jim.