Friday, November 16, 2012

Usually I expect to hear morons on Mondays...

simply because it is alliterative to have Moron Monday.  But I just heard one on the news this morning and it's Friday.  But that doesn't make him any less moronic.

I don't know if he was an official spokesperson for the workers who are currently on strike against Hostess, or just one of the employees carrying picket signs.  But when the reporter asked "what happens if Hostess liquidates and you're all out of jobs" his response had me laughing at its naivete.

"A new company that sells bread and the other products will come in and buy up the factories.  They'll have more money so they will be able to pay us a better wage, a living wage."

Someone needs to clue him in.  A vulture company swooping in and buying up the assets of a bankrupt business is not going to spend more than the prior owner.  They're going to try to operate it more cheaply and that includes negotiating better deals with the workers, not more favorable ones.  There's no union contract with the new owner in this case.

I don't know why, but my breathing is better this morning.  It may be that the antibiotics are kicking in and whatever infection (sinus or lung) I was suffering with is abating.  I may actually feel up to trying to walk again in a couple of days.  One can hope.

This weekend there is a good chance I'm going to do something I've not done since the last time I travelled on business (2004).  I may watch a movie from video on demand.  There's a movie opening only in NYC that I want to see and since it isn't opening here and it is on VOD, I may go ahead and watch it in the comfort of my room.

I watched my last episode of "Last Resort" last night.  I wouldn't call what they did "jumping the shark" but they stole a plotpoint from the novel "The Hunt for Red October" and it shattered what was left of the show's appeal.  It started strong but has gone downhill since week #3.  However, I'm excited that there will be new episodes of USA Network's "Suits" coming on in January.  Best new program on air in the last two seasons.

Fun With Classified Ads:

These first few are from the "Strictly Platonic" section of Craigslist:

"Does making out with a married, older female sound interesting? I don't want sex. I just want to try making out with a much younger guy."  Do you make out with all of your platonic friends?  Or do you define platonic as "no sex"?

"I'm looking for someone who knows where I can go to get Rib Removal surgery to make my waist smaller. What doctor does that?"  Well, that would be a platonic relationship, but I'm not sure it or what she wants to do would be healthy.

"I am seeking a real good friend with whom I can share not only my feelings but also my fetish desires."  That's already TMI and you're planning to share a lot more.

"Right now, I Do Not have a car, I Do need a place to stay and I Have my things and a little dog! (we are both sweet n cute :) I'm still working.. (in acting and the entertainment industry,model/dance)"  Basically you're a homeless stripper looking for a sugar daddy in the platonic personals.  Alrighty then...

This Date in History:

On this date in 1776, the "Unified Provinces" (the Low countries) recognized the independence of the United States.
On this date in 1849, a court sentenced Fyodor Dostoevsky to death for anti-government activities.  His sentence was later commuted to hard labor.
On this date in 1907, the Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory joined to form Oklahoma.
On this date in 1914, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank officially opened.
On this date in 1920, the airline Qantas is founded.
On this date in 1938, LSD is synthesized in a lab for the first time.  Somewhere in the world, Timothy Leary's eyes lit up in anticipation.
On this date in 1974, Skylab 4 was launched.
And on this date in 1988, in the first open election in more than a decade, Pakistan elected Benazir Bhutto to be the nation's Prime Minister.