Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I appear to be suffering from some kind of infection.  Not sure if it's a sinus infection or a lung infection but I wasn't about to spend four hours sitting in the ER waiting to see a doctor today.  Since the Primary Care clinic was closed for Veterans Day (no apostrophe), that was the only choice.  I have two appointments there tomorrow, but neither is with a doctor (having some tests).  So I may sit and wait to be seen in the Primary Care clinic afterward, or if I decide it's too crowded on the day after a 3 day weekend, I have to go back on Wednesday to see the allergist and she can prescribe some anti-biotics to knock out this infection.

The retired General Patraeus "affair" (double-entendre intended) is growing.  Now there's some other general who isn't retired, who sent the woman that Patraeus' mistress sent threatening emails to, some 20,000 to 30,000 pages of emails???  Sheesh.  Can generals not keep it in their trousers?

I'm a little sad there aren't any more "free" meals for Veterans to go and enjoy today.  Just as well, I'll be eating breakfast in the VA Medical Center's cafeteria, where the food is.....food.  I don't want to take the risk of trying to go elsewhere and end up running late for my appointment.  The Tuesday after a Monday Federal holiday is always a nightmare there.

Did an Arizona woman really run her husband down with their car because he didn't vote and she's that upset because President Obama won re-election?  When she gets out of jail, Donald Trump will undoubtedly have a place for her in his organization.

Hoping to get to trade policy for the Centrist Party in another blog later today but this is all I have time for this A.M., aside from fun with classifieds and this day in history.

Fun with Classified Ads:

This is from a listing for a receptionist for a "famous" martial arts school's headquarters.  "If hired, applicant will be able to receive free training privileges ($250 value per month) and additional commission based on their rate for student sign-ups." No wonder they can afford a headquarters for their school if they charge people $250 a month to train there. 

"...able to work independently and efficiently w/positive, upbeat personality.  ...between ages 20-26, female."  So not just insisting you be a woman, but a young woman at that.  The EOE people should be reading this stuff.

"Temporary Data Entry Clerk"  If the data is only temporary, why do you want it entered?

This one is the worst deal I've seen.  You have to live and work on-site and you get $700 a month, but you have to pay $1,700 for your apartment.  The job is supposedly part-time, but you have to be available for "after-hour emergencies", show apartments, open/lock doors for vendors and sell laundry cards.

"Real Estate agency seeking dependable individuals to leave small bags of cookies door-to-door in the North of Montana area in Santa Monica for one day only, 10 hours at $10/hour sometime this week. Contact for details. Perfect job for a college student to earn some extra cash before the holidays.

Due to labor laws, we cannot currently accept appplications from minors."  Hey genius.  Labor law in CA requires you to pay time and a half for hours in excess of eight in one day.
On this date in 1887, the famous "Bloody Sunday" clashes took place in London.
On this date in 1927, the Holland Tunnel opens to traffic.
On this date in 1942, there was an intense naval battle between the U.S. and the Japanese during the battle of Guadalcanal.
On this date in 1956, the Montgomery Bus Boycott ended when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregated busses were illegal.
On this date in 1982, boxer Ray Mancini defeated Doo Koo Kim in a fight in Las Vegas.  Kim died a few days later.  Boxing's rules changed significantly as a result of his death.
Also on this date in 1982, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington, D.C.