Monday, October 15, 2012

Things I'm pondering this evening...

and yes, it's evening.  I'm once again trying to get a head start, particularly since I'm changing up my morning routine for class days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday).  I went to the market today and bought bananas and bagels to eat for breakfast, rather than drive-through food.  Healthier, although not the best balance of stuff.  I forgot to add yogurt.  Will remedy that Monday afternoon.

I've mentioned this one before, but it continues to cause me to be curious.  I can take a guess at the medical problem with prolonged erections that last for more than four hours  The erection requires a concentration of blood in that area and maybe that will impact circulation throughout the rest of the body?  But what is the doctor going to do to treat it?  Inject something?  That makes me cringe in pain at just the notion.  Put an ice pack on it?  A man with this problem could do that himself and avoid the $2,872 emergency room bill. 

Why do some people walk through parking garages right down the middle of the lane as though there's a great big red S on their chest and they are totally invulnerable?  You look both ways before crossing a street, but you don't watch for oncoming vehicles in parking garages?  The morons I'm referring to will know who they are if they read this.

Why is it that some parents only take their kid's hands in the parking lot when they notice an oncoming car?  I've never had kids, but if I had any that were under six, I'd never let go of their hand while walking in a parking lot and I'd be very vigilant.

Did I mention that I saw an idiot crossing the street while texting the other day?  He actually didn't notice he'd reach the opposite curb and tripped over it, falling down.  I wish I had a video function on my phone and had been rolling.  The Youtube video that would have resulted would have gotten thousands and thousands of hits.

Why does anyone care how many hits their Youtube video gets anyway?  Do you get paid per hit?  I wouldn't think so.

I am so happy that there's a new study out that says tomatoes are good for you.  I love tomatoes and now I have an excuse to eat more of them.

I was going to rant about someone I was having a discussion with on FB where that person's only tactic was personal attacks, but as I was about to write that paragraph, he deleted all of his messages and departed the discussion.  Oh well.

Apparently, the bulk of the television audience in the L.A. area between 3 and 4 in the morning needs to: 

Grow hair
Lose weight
Wants their faces to look nicer
Needs a better pillow

There were multiple infomercials dominating the TV "dial" when I was awakened by the sound of cats screeching at one another outside, and couldn't go back to sleep.  At least 4 for hair re-growth, 3 for weight loss, 3 for Lifestyle Lift, which has given Debbie Boone back a semblance of a career, and 1 for some funky pillow.

Not one "Girls Gone Wild" infomercial.  Those used to dominate the early morning hours when I couldn't sleep.  Wondering what had happened to those funny infomercials where college girls show off their boobs in return for t-shirts and other swag, I checked their website.  And closed it almost immediately.  Apparently Joe Francis wasn't making money fast enough with his old methods, so they've moved much more into the porn arena than before.  Now I know why the Girls Gone Wild informercial no longer sings.

They've just awarded the Nobel prize in Economics.  I love it when reporters try to explain what Nobel laureates did to win their prize when the reporters don't really understand the accomplishment that earned the prize.  Economics, chemistry and others are just over the heads of most of the people reporting the awards.  Reminds me of an old joke.  What do you get when you cross a Mafia godfather with an Economist?  You get an offer you can't understand.

It's going to be a busy week.  Two film screenings.  A graded review and a quiz in class.  I'm tired just thinking about it.  Strange how I get more and more tired but am less and less able to sleep.  Yes, I'll talk to the doctor about it when I see her.  Oh damn, that's this week too.  For one horrible minute there, I was afraid I'd double-booked myself, but I hadn't.  I hate to admit it, but I miss the days of having my life organized in a day-runner, even though it meant carrying that thing around.