Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's about an hour before bedtime on Saturday night...

and I'm getting a head start on the morning blog because I want to sleep in tomorrow.  Things I'm pondering at the moment include:

I know I've ranted about this before, but given what I saw on Saturday, it's probably time for parking lot owner/operators to stop wasting the time and money to paint "compact" on the smaller parking spots.  I actually had to get in my car on the passenger side and crawl over the "stick" to get into the driver's seat after the driver of a great big pick-up parked in the compact space on my car's left.  It was tough enough getting into the car on the passenger side because of the "compact" oversized SUV on my car's right.  Apparently no one reads that word on the ground anyway, or notices how close they park to the cars of others. 

Why is it that automated parking garages don't have a human being somewhere to take your parking issues to?  Someone trying to get out of the garage in front of me apparently hadn't dealt with paying for parking before getting into the exit lane, and had to back out because they didn't want to pay at the exit point.  Maybe they forgot to validate.  Maybe their just morons.  I don't know and I don't care.  Learn to read, people. 

I'm still waiting to see a P.T. Barnum like "sale" at the supermarket.  Where some genius is selling items at $1.22 each, but if you buy four, you pay only $5.00.  I bet people will just automatically buy four.  If I had all the money my second wife tried to save by buying stuff in bulk that we ended up throwing out because it went bad, I couldn't retire, but I could probably go on a nice vacation.

Speaking of morons, what's up with idiots trying to contend the new film "Here Comes the Boom" is just a remake of "Nacho Libre"?  Yes, one involves wrestling and the other Mixed-Martial Arts, which are similar.  But they are very different stories and films with very different purposes.

It must suck to be a Washington Nationals fan right now.  They were leading 6-0 in the final game of the Divisional series.  They lead 7-5 going to the top of the 9th inning.  They were within one strike of winning.  They lost 9-7.

Can someone please explain to me why it's illegal for a homeowner to forcibly remove a squatter?  Imagine coming home from six months of working elsewhere (or longer) and finding someone else has moved into your home, changed the locks and refuses to leave.  You must go to court, successfully prove you are the rightful, legal owner of the home, and then institute and win an eviction proceeding.  You can't really recover the legal fees you have to pay to reclaim your own home.  This is a travesty of justice.

I understand the need for permit parking in neighborhoods that are adjacent to business or entertainment centers where people will take available parking in that neighborhood because it's free.  What I don't understand is why a city has to charge residents in that neighborhood in order for them to get more than one parking permit.  So because a neighborhood goes permit parking, someone should spend $30 a year to get two additional permits so they can have friends over without them having to park nine blocks away?

Is Montel Williams doing anything these days other than hawking products on television? 

What do a 62 year old woman who works as a freelance photographer, a financial advisor and a graduate student have in common?  All three were arrested in a sting operation in New York City for selling their prescription medications on Craigslist.   What I'm really pondering is why they think putting "no LE" meaning no law enforcement in their ads is going to stop cops from tracking them down.  You really have to be naive if you think putting that in an ad is going to protect you from being charged with a crime.

Will moviegoers get confused over the movie "Cloud Atlas" being from the Wachowski Siblings, as opposed to the Wachowski Brothers, which is how they were known before Larry Wachowski became Lana Wachowski?  I think not, but I could be wrong.

Why is it that razor blades have gotten so expensive?  Because they're five blades across now, rather than two?  I used to be able to buy a pack of a dozen twin-blade disposable razors for $4 and they'd last about five days each, or two months.  Now I go through a pack of four of these five-razor blades in a month and it runs $11.

How is it that "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" has managed to remain in theaters for more than 35 years without stopping?  It is showing tonight at 11:59 near here yet again.  Do people still yell "asshole" at Brad and "slut" at Janet when they are first introduced?

Oh heck, this is a full blog entry and I'm still not ready for bed, so I'll post it tonight and maybe write another in the morning.