Sunday, September 02, 2012

Stiff leg and knee meant no walk this morning...

although I think it's a little better today.  I hope to try to walk at least a little tomorrow.  I will be moving around a bit today since I'm going to a movie and lunch with a friend, and then later on getting my birthday massage.  Also hoping that will help the leg a bit.

I start a class on 9/10 and that happens to be the day I managed to get in for an appointment for an eye exam at the VA.  I waited months for that appointment and now I have to call and reschedule it, since I can't miss the first day of classes.  It's the day they give out the materials, and review the course.  The day where I have to figure out how much, if any, of my own tax background I will share with the class.  With my luck, the instructor will be a first-time instructor teaching the course, and when he or she hears that I taught this course for years and was certified as a master instructor, I'll just make them nervous.  So I'm considering not disclosing all of my background.  On the other hand disclosing it all will bring me to the attention of the district manager who will be there, since I do hope to land part-time employment with Block for next tax season, to see if I can handle the rigors of part-time work by then.  I'm not confident about my abilities, lately the fatigue both physical and mental has been more severe than at earlier points in my recovery.  But I'm going to plug forward.

After watching "Compliance" yesterday, I'm still trying to figure out just how dumb a fast food manager had to be, to agree to strip-search an employee based on a phone call from a supposed police officer.  That's just not too bright.  Another person who didn't pay attention in high school government/civics classes when the Bill of Rights was taught.

With a birthday coming up on Wednesday, and three straight nights of trivia play on the schedule, it's going to be a busy week.  But with three a week classes starting the following week, I guess I'd better get used to it.

Time for another Centrist Party platform plank.  We're going to propose a plank that would alter the compensation paid to hedge fund managers.  Currently, these highly paid individuals who earn lots and lots of money when their investment decisions are successful are paid with their compensation being treated as long-term capital gains.  The Centrist Party plank will propose legislation to stop this practice and pay hedge fund managers as though they were earning ordinary income, subjecting it to a much higher rate of taxation.  They won't like it but the present system is not fair.

Maybe we can get another plank together later on today.  I will give it a shot.